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Vi Unge article - May 2004

He is still 168 centimeters tall and uses size 43 in shoes- Scandinavian numbers. His hair is short and the eyes just as blue and shiny as always. He sits himself comfortably down, while he lightens something that looks like a cigarette.

“It’s actually one of those special, sweet cigarettes, with not that much nicotine in”, he says in his defense. “I know it’s a bad habit, but I have many of those. I also bite nails, and that is just as hard to stop,” he tells Vi Unge. He seems embarrassed of his bad habits, and while we are in the apologizing mood…

“It’s just so sad I could not make it to Denmark for the premiere of Lord of the rings-Return of the king in December last year. There are so many places in Europe I haven’t been, but that I hope, I one day will experience”. But Elijah, there is nothing else we would rather do then show you around in little Denmark!


We fell completely for Elijah, when he played the role as the sweet, sensitive and always optimistic Frodo. And there is not so far from Frodo to Elijah, when it comes to feelings…

“I cried, when I saw the last Lord of the rings movie. It was just so sad and scary, that the end of it was near. But it also means I can move on in my career, but it is also very strange to say goodbye to some people, I have used four years of my life with. I cry easily, I’m pretty fragile, when it comes to that. Sometimes it scared me, how much I reminded myself of Frodo in some areas”.

Elijah has gotten more self-confidence and many steps further in his career.

“And I have made the best friends, you could imagine. I still talk to some of them, I played together with. I never will and cannot do without them”.


Maybe stars have it great in many areas, which others feel jealousy about, but there are also difficult moments. Elijah has felt that lately.

“I am a person that appreciates honesty and loyalty, which is actually the most important to me. That’s for friends, family and girlfriends, but it can be really difficult to settle down. Last year I moved from Los Angeles to New York, where I got an apartment with my sister Hannah. But I quickly realized that I never was home, because I travel so much. So that makes me miss security and homely cosiness even more.


Elijah has been single for a really long time and the last time we met him he talked about how he missed a girlfriend. It should not be any problem, because the girls are throwing themselves at him. Has he found one?

“Hmm," he answers carefully and shy. "It’s still very new, so I will just say I’m a little in love. We are in that faze, where it is existing and romantic and we don’t know what the future will bring us. But I fall in love easily, because I’m just crazy about girls. They are beautiful and just perfect”. Wow he does not keep anything back. But what sort of qualities does a girl need, before Elijah shows any interest…?

“It was the way she looked at me; she is honest, intelligent and sophisticated. I usually fall for girls with dark hair and I can reveal she has dark hair," he says laughing. "It also means a lot to me that we have the same music taste. I love alternative rockmusic like the Strokes and the Raveonettes” I wonder if Elijah knows that the Raveonettes are Danish.


So Elijah is in love these days, but has he ever had his heart broken?

“Definitely, I think most people have. I have actually tried it quit a few times, and it’s never fun. One of the times it took years before I really recovered. It was not easy, and I don’t have a specific recipe on how you recover. But I think it’s defferent every time. When the pain is gone, you can see more clearly and understand why you are not together anymore. I have realized and learned that things happen for a reason. We still talk together, and everything is ok now-as friends. It was important to me to take a long break, before we began to talk together again”.

The time is almost done and the talk with Elijah has been long and more personally and private than ever before. Does he get sweeter then this?

“Should I write a note to the Danish girls? I have heard they should be the most beautiful girls in the world”, he says in the end.

Yes he could get sweeter…

The note says with his handwriting:

Hello Girls!!
Have a great summer.
I hope to see Denmark soon
Love Elijah Wood

[Thanks to Christina for translating this article]


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