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Milagros Meets Elijah :)

It all happened on October 11th, 2003 in NYC. My best friend, Mary, and I decided to go out to eat at the Olive Garden in Time Square. Mary then wanted to go to Victoria Secret but I wanted to go to Toys R' Us first. We happened to go to the Virgin Record Megastore and then to Toys R' Us. I took some pictures in the Toys R' Us store and even one with the Lord of The Rings action figures. Then we finally began walking to the Victoria Secret store. We were almost there; then suddenly I see Elijah and he was walking between his two friends. I told Mary very calmly "Look. There's Elijah". She didn't believe me at all because I said it so calm and she thought it was all my imagination. I said it again and soon he was about to walk in the Tower Record Store. I then told my friend "I must say something to him. This is once in a life time. I know I have to say something. This doesn't happen everyday." Before he walked in I said "Excuse Me?". He turns around and that's when my mind began to panic. On the outside I was very calm but I was nervous as hell. I then said "I'm sorry. I don't mean to bother you but can I take a picture with you?". He says "Sure! Do you have a camara?". My friend struggles to get the camara and at the same time she apologizes and says that we are fans of Lord of the rings. OK.... this is the part where I felt like a geek. I then tell him that we went to Toys R' Us and we were at the Lord of The Rings section. Man. I know my mind wasn't functioning properly. Why did I have to say that? Anyways, Mary takes a picture of both of us and we said thank you. I didn't asked for anything else because his friends were already inside waiting for him, I didn't want to bother him much and I know he was hanging out with his friends so I didn't want to take much of his time. I'm glad that I met him. He was so kind and I appreciate what he did.

Thanks Milagros :)


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