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November 2001 News



Saturday, 3 November 2001

:: A trailer was shown during an NBA game, and one person was nice enough to record it and upload some screenshots. Check them out here
:: Some pictures have been released from Fantasyplanet.cz. and Sharon, in our club has put them into a webshots album. Here is a picture of the hobbits and Bill and of Frodo in the mountains

Sunday, 4 November 2001

:: I updated the Interviews page, and i'll be working on that for the next couple of days
:: Once again TORN has some great scans and news concerning LOTR and Lij. Here are some scans from Cinescape Magazine concerning the role that Elijah Plays in LOTR
:: Some LOTR bookmarks have been released, one of Frodo (Elijah), Gimli, Legolas, the hobbits, Gandalf, Boromir, Orcs, Arwen, and Aragorn.
:: It is rumoured that Elijah's next movie "Ash Wednesday" will premiere on Februry 13th 2002. So watch out for that.

Tuesday, 6 November 2001

:: FantasyPlanet has some scans from a LOTR booklet which look pretty good and it's in english :). But i think they originally came from TORN. You can see them at their site, or click here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 (hehe, there's heaps) Thank you so much to FantasyPlanet.cz for these!
:: TORN has also relesed yet another 2 articles comparing Harry Potter to The Fellowship of the Ring. One rates them, here and one is just a long article showing the good points and bad, here. Personally, i think LOTR should have had a higher score :)

Wednesday, 7 November 2001

:: Decipher released the LOTR trading card game today! :) Here are some cards of Frodo which feature new pics: 1, 2. Or you can see the whole list here

Saturday, 10 November 2001

:: Well i have lots of news for you today. Firstly, i'm very happy to say that i received an award! :) This site was selected to receive the "2001-2002 Golden Web Award"! Thankyou so much to whoever nominated my site for this. You can see the award at the bottom of this page :)
:: Some pictures of figurines which will be inside kinder surprise eggs have been released at Herr-der-ringe-film.de which are just so cute. You can see them here. Frodo is the 1st one :)
:: TORN released some scans from an article which appeared in Readers Digest, here

Sunday, 11 November 2001

:: Not much news today. Just that Box office magazine has released a pretty good interview with Elijah Wood. Also here are some magazine covers which have frodo on them from Filmreview and Xpose. Thanks to TORN
:: Also here is another shorter interview with Elijah Wood from Disney's Adventure Magazine

Monday, 12 November 2001

:: TORN has released a picture of the elvish tatoo that Elijah and all the rest of the Fellowship got!! And  Sean Astin models it here, So we finally know what it looks like!
:: Here's a Lord of The Rings article from Entertainment Weekly here at TORN
:: Sharon from our club has a really good webshots account with some new pictures of Frodo: 1, 2, 3 Thanks Sharon!
:: Yet another 'Frodo Vs Potter article here
:: I saw a commercial yesterday on TV in Aus, about the Lord of The Rings. It was a mastercard one, u know one of those "priceless" commercials. It was really good and showed lots of new footage - including one of frodo dancing :) And best of all you get the chance to win VIP tickets to the Sydney Premiere! You can see the official mastercard competition site here

Friday, 16 November 2001

:: Here are two Topps cards thanks to theonering.net: 1, 2
:: You can download a quicktime movie which has some interviews from Elijah and other actors in The Lord of the Rings. Just go here and click on ONE RING under video
:: Tolkien online has released some scans from Starlog magazine about the making of The Lord of the Rings Movie.Check them out here

Saturday, 17 November 2001

:: Hey, i just bought the LOTR visual companions and movie guides and they are sooooooo good, i recommend them to anyone who loves LOTR :)
:: Here is a LOTR trading card of Frodo disappearing (you can just see his hands and his face)
:: Some new pics of Frodo from Sharon's album: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  (Thanks Sharon!)
:: Also a pic of Frodo from Fantasyplanet.cz

Monday, 19 November 2001

:: I'm so excited! I just read in the newspaper that Elijah Wood and some other LOTR actors are coming to Sydney for the premiere of LOTR on the 21st of December! They're going to be at a place right next to where i live (Fox Studios) - i actually get to see them!!! So if you're going i might see you there :)
:: An online version of the interview with Elijah Wood from Entertainment Weekly
:: A collection of Lord of the Rings movies including the Cannes Party which features the hobbits singing! A must see!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2001

:: I'll be updating the site a lot more soon, i'l just been really busy, so please be patient :)
:: An article about Pipe smoking in LOTR which has some pics
:: Some scans from a LOTR booklet and some score images
:: The photo spread from "The Face" - he looks really good in these!
:: A good interview with Elijah from People.com, here
:: Now you can get Frodo on your popcorn container! Check out this scan
:: Also check out some LOTR merchandise available
  - Thanks TORn!

Saturday, 24 November 2001

:: I found 4 new pictures of Lij as Frodo: 1, 2, 3, 4
:: I'll be adding some more galleries to the pictures section, including heaps of Frodo ones, as soon as i have the time.
:: A picture of a LOTR billboard in Texas

Sunday, 25 November 2001

:: There are 2 new interviews with Elijah Wood. One from Xpose #62 (in the black) and one from WoW.ie You can also see them on the interviews page

Tuesday, 27 November 2001

:: Hey everyone, just to let you know, geocities keeps on sending me e-mails saying that heaps of people are coming to my site - which is good - but they have to close down my site for certain times during the day, cause too many people are on the site at once. So if you come to a page and it says something about Transfer Status, just come back later, or go check out a different page. I'm hoping to get this fixed soon though. Thanks.
:: They have redone the official advertising poster for LOTR to include Gimli and Boromir. Check it out here. You can see them on the right hand side
:: You can also read heaps of LOTR articles from the Sunday Times including some interviews with Elijah Wood.

Wednesday, 28 November 2001

:: Lots of news today! :) First of all, there is a new Elijah Wood site made by Lisa called Elijah Online it's on the links page or you can go directly to Elijah Online. Check it out - it's well worth it, it's only new but it's going to be big!
:: A competition where you can win a trip to New Zealand for the premiere of LOTR! You might as well enter - what have u got to lose? It's at the hot30 website. Thanks Christina!
:: Find out which Lord of The Rings character you are by answering 7 quick questions here. I'm very happy to say that i am most like Frodo Baggins :)
:: A very very cool photo spread featuring NEW pictures of Elijah Wood from MAXIME ONLINE, simply click on Hobbit Forming and it'll come up in a new window. Elijah looks so good in these!
:: If you live in France you can get a french magazine called "L'Ecran Fantastique" with heaps of interviews and pictures of actors in LOTR. It's cover looks like this
  - Thanks TORn

Friday, 30 November 2001

:: I know i've been saying this for ages, but i will get around to updating the galleries with the new pictures, so bear with me :)
:: Some scans of a cereal box featuring a Lord of the Rings CD Rom: 1, 2
:: You can watch some of the Lord of the Rings commercials here
:: Some pictures of Frodo and Galadriel (some are not new): 1, 2, 3, 4
:: Heaps of new pictures from Fantasyplanet.cz, so check them out.
:: Also some LOTR scans from Fantasyplant.cz
:: A detailed look at the Lord of The Rings movie - this takes you through virtually every scene in the movie. This includes MAJOR SPOILERS so don't look unless you are really that desperate to find out. Check it out here. But don't say i didn't warn u!


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