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February 2002 News



Thursday, 21 February 2002

:: HI EVERYONE!!!! Have you missed me?? :) It's been a whole month, can you believe that?? A month! I am sooooooooooo sorry guys, but the old server i had decided to delete my site, and the person who was hosting me who shall remain nameless, decided not to tell me what was going on. So i spent a whole month searching for a new server/host. Anyway, to cut a long story short, Jochen, who owns the site ejwsites.net offered to host me, which was soooooo sooooooo nice of him, because he's doing it out of the kindness of his heart (what a sweet guy!!). So everyone please visit his site, he has the most extensive gallery on the net too! (Elijah's Gallery) If it weren't for him, my site would probably never have gotten up and running again.
:: Incase you didn't know, the new URL for this site is http://always.ejwsites.net/ (note there is no www.) It's short and easy to remember right? :) But please everyone join the messageboard so that if the site is down again, i can just send you a message - it would be heaps easier. Also, the messageboard has gone through a lot of changes, so go and check it out.
:: Well while my site was down, i did a lot of surfing other Elijah sites, which by the way, the number of them has increased dramatically! go lij!:), and can i just say this one thing to other webmasters, please DO NOT take pictures from this site which have been tagged with 'Always and Forever: Elijah Wood'. It is so unbelieveable rude to delibrately cut it off within even asking me. One e-mail, is that so hard? If you continue to just take all of the pictures from my site, i will have to just ban you from viewing it. And don't think i won't, i get really pissed about people taking the easy way out and (obviously) taking other people's pics
:: Now that the site is back up and running, i'm going to need more news, pictures, fan art, interviews, etc. etc. so please if you have ANYTHING that i don't have on the site, send it along by e-mail to elvenmuggle@yahoo.com. I can't run a successful site if i don't have your help! So lets start to build this site up again! Thanks! :)
:: Ok, well i'm not even going to try to give you a months worth of news in one day, so i'll just start off with the most recent news. Here are a bunch of Lij pictures which i've been sent:
  [pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4], [pic 5], [pic 6], [pic 7], [pic 8], [pic 9], [pic 10],
  [pic 11], [pic 12], [pic 13], [pic 14], [pic 15], [pic 16], [pic 17], [pic 18],
  [pic 19], [pic 20], [pic 21], [pic 22], [pic 23], [pic 24] [pic 25], [pic 26]
:: Good news! This site was chosen as Celebrity site of the Day for February 15th! Except of course my site was down then *sigh* bad timing
Celebrity Site of the Day
:: Elijah is nominated for the Man of March 2002, and he is coming 2nd behind Josh Hartnett. Can we let this happen!? Hell no! So go and vote for him and show your support! [vote]
:: Apparantly Elijah will star in a the new movie 'Try Seventeen' alongside Mandy Moore and Franka Potente. [read]
:: Recently Elijah joined in a chat with Dominic and Billy on billyboyd.net. Unfortunately no, i was not a part of it, but i got the transcript, and they all seem like such nice, down to earth guys. Thanks Autumn! [transcript]
:: That's all i could be bothered writing right now, but if you have news or pictures, please send it along. Also, please tell me if any links don't work or anything and please spread the word about the new URL. Take care!! And sign the guestbook!

Saturday, 23 February 2002

:: Some new pictures from Elijah's film 'Chain of Fools': [pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3]
  Thanks Doris!
:: Heaps of Pictures of the premiere of the Lord of the Rings in Japan!
[pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4], [pic 5], [pic 6], [pic 7], [pic 8], [pic 9], [pic 10], [pic 11], [pic 12], [pic 13], [pic 14], [pic 15]
:: An interview from the site viva.tv with Elijah Wood, which is about 5 minutes long! It's a really great informative interview! Thanks Bianca!! [view]
:: Doris found this poster from Elijah's upcomming movie 'Try Seventeen'.
Check it out! Thanks Doris!
:: A new interview with Elijah Wood from alloy.com [read] Thanks Autumn!
:: Here is a really really sweet Songvid which someone has made on the Fellowship. Definitely worth checking out! [click] Thanks Dorothy!
:: Also, i found a site where you can download the Paula Abdul clip 'Forever your Girl' which has Elijah when he was really little. He is such a cutie! [view]
:: I received some fabulous fanart while the site was down too, if anyone would like to submit some, please send them to my e-mail as attachments
  by Nic:
  [pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4], [pic 5], [pic 6], [pic 7], [pic 8]
  By Julia:
  [pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3]
  By Dorothy:
  [pic 1]
  By Amira:
  [pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4]
  - Thanks for that fantastic fan art!! :)
:: By the way, the chat transcript i mentioned yesterday was actually found by The Dust Reaper from Julia's Messageboard, however it was sent to me by Autumn :)

Monday, 25 February 2002

:: Hey Everyone, just a couple of quick updates. First of all, Elijah is going to be chatting with fans today!
'TORn staffer and Brazilian community member Dunadán from Valinor.com.br sends word that Elijah Wood will be interviewed online by fans on Brazilian website Psiu.com tomorrow at 8pm, São Paulo time'
That was posted on TORn 'yesterday' (their yesterday) and i have no idea when that is anywhere else, so if you know when it's on anywhere else in the world - especially Australia :) please tell me. And if anyone could get the transcript, that would be great!!
:: Also, Jochen fixed up the galleries and put in proper thumbnails, so they load quicker now, i also added a few more galleries, so you might want to check that out. Thanks Jochen!!
:: Just one last thing, please vote for my site at the Top 10 Elijahsites and please rate it using the rating thing on the main page. By the way, you can vote/rate once a day *hint hint* :) Oh, and if you know anyone who is experiencing trouble accessing this site, please e-mail me and tell me what internet browser they are using, and what shows up when they try to access the page e.g blank screen, or just won't load. Thanks!!

Thursday, 28 February 2002

:: I have some new pictures today which people have sent to me :)
:: Some beautiful pictures of Elijah which were sent by Autumn (Thanks Autumn!) However some are really small, but i can't help that:
[pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4]
:: Thankyou so much to Patsie who owns a Dominic Monaghan site for taking these great screen captures from the 'making of LotR' dvd. I've put them all on a page and you can view them here Thanks Patsie!!
:: OK, i'm really confused about the chat with Elijah, because i have been getting mails from people telling me different things, plus the site is down at the moment. Doris sent me this information:
I received an e-mail from the site Psiu.com warning about the change of the day to chat with Frodo. It will be wednesday, the 27th, at 8pm - requested by the actor chat will be by phone, live from LA and nd audio will be available for the ones who have Real Player.
However i went onto the website: Valinor.com.br and from what i gathered using my portuguese reading skills (don't rely on them though) apparantly the chat was cancelled again because Elijah's agent made a mistake as Elijah had booked a last minute seat on a flight to Japan 2 hours before the chat was going to start.
So it looks like it'll be a while before the chat takes place :( i>Thanks Doris!
:: A great 2 part interview with the cast of LoTR. It's a great interview because i think that the interviewer makes everyone laugh - including Viggo! There are 2 parts, so make sure you watch them both. [view]
:: Found a new interview/article:
Elijah Wood lived the Hobbit life to get the part of Frodo Baggins
:: Luciana sent me in this scan from the cover of a Brazilian Magaine [click]
Thanks Luciana!
:: Some pictures which Andrea sent me:
[pic 1], [pic 2], [pic 3], [pic 4], [pic 5], [pic 6] Thanks Andrea!!
:: Some scans from Renaissance Magazine - Thanks Niki! :) [click]
:: Elijah is going to be presenting an award at the 54th annual Directors Guild of America Awards on March 9 at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. So watch out for that!


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