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News Archive: April
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Monday, 1 April 2002
:: Hey everyone, this is just a quick message for you all. Unfortunately, the oscar screencaps which were sent to me by Emily and placed in galleries 29 and 30 will no longer be available on this site. The reason is that these pictures which Emily sent me were actually directly taken from elijah-wood.com and were not taken by her, like i had originally thought. Which means that i have to go to the trouble of removing and re-locating things *sigh* So please in future, if you are going to send me some pictures, or news, or whatever, please make sure that you tell me which site you got the pictures/news from, because if you don't, you get me into heaps of trouble. So, sorry about this, but if you want to see the pictures, visit elijah-wood.com and check out their gallery. Although you can't save the pictures, they're nice to look at. Sorry again :(
:: Just some random pictures which i had in my folder sent to me by various people who i can't for the life of me remember who they were. But thanks!!
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] [pic 9] [pic 10] [pic 11] [pic 12] [pic 13] [pic 14] [pic 15] [pic 16] [pic 17] [pic 18] [pic 19] [pic 20] [pic 21] [pic 22]
:: Some pictures sent to me by Mel. Thanks Mel!! :)
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7]
2 new galleries: [Gallery 29] [Gallery 30]
Wednesday, 3 April 2002
:: Hey everyone, just a quick update, only as much as i could be bothered writing - had a bad day (don't ask). Maybe this weekend i'll post all the news, or next week - i have the time now that my stupid school cancelled our year 10 camp! >:|
:: Due to the amount of new pictures i receive every day (thanks everyone) my mailbox fills up pretty quickly, so i opened up an Elijah Wood picture 'donation' center. So it's now much easier for you to send me new pictures, so please take advantage of this :) However, the pictures which you upload will not appear there until i approve them (not my choice, it's bravenet's) so they'll probably appear there in around 2 days.
:: Mark sent me an absolutely fabulous LOTR drawing. It is just amazing isn't it? I just love it! You can check out his other artwork at his site: markraats.com
:: A really sweet article about Elijah found on Julia's messageboard sent to me by Natalie and Autumn :) [article]
:: Some new Oscar pictures sent in by Hobbit Angel :) Thanks girl!! [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] [pic 9] [pic 10]
:: A new Frodo picture sent in by Hobbit Angel. Thankyou! [frodo pic]
:: Lots of screencaps from various Elijah movies sent to me by Megan [screencaps] Thanks Megan!
:: To those who have e-mailed me in the past days, sorry that i haven't been able to reply to you yet, i'll get around to it, please be patient.
Thursday, 4 April 2002

:: OMG! OMG! OMG!! GUESS WHAT I JUST WATCHED??? Yep, you guessed it THE Trailer! And did i see it at the cinemas? no, i saw it on my very own computer! :) :) Emily (who is now my new best friend, lol) sent me a link to download the trailer! woohoo! So go quickly and watch it!!! hehe, amazingly this is the first site to post this, but anyway, don't sent me e-mails telling me off for posting this, because i didn't film it myself, so :P ENJOY!! [The Two Towers Trailer] Thanks Emily!
:: Why aren't you watching it? Oh, waiting for it to download, fair enough. Anyway, here are some screen captures (not taken by me - i'll try though) while your waiting [screencaps]
:: I just took some screencaps of the Two Towers trailer - sorry, they aren't the best quality, but at least i got some :) So anyway, i uploaded them onto two pages: [screencaps 1] [screencaps 2]
:: NEW -> A new place where you can download the trailer: [location 2]
:: NEW -> Also, a new better quality 1 minute FOTR/TTT preview thanks to fantasyplanet and Orlando Bloom Multimedia. It's really good, so download it!! [download]
:: Pia sent me a new Elijah article/interview: [Yound Wood Grabbed for 'Ring'] Thanks Pia!!
Saturday, 6 April 2002
:: Some more sites where you can download TTT trailer: [download locations] Thanks Theonering.net
:: TORn has some really nice screencaps from TTT preview: [screencaps]
:: A picture from TORn of Elijah in Vancouver shooting Try Seventeen: [picture]
:: Some info someone sent me on 'Chain of Fools': chain of fools is not his new movie. its already been in theatres, its an independent film, and its rated nc-17
:: Got a new affiliate:
:: The lovely Nic has made some new fanart! [Nic's Archive] Thanks Nic!
:: A cool site with lots of LOTR pictures sent in by Natalie [link]
:: Some new pictures sent in by Natalie!
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] Thanks Natalie!!
:: A stupid little test i took:
I am...

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?
Thursday, 11 April 2002
:: Sorry for the lack of updates everyone, i can't seem to find the time for it anymore :( Anyway, please before you go on, read the Disclaimer a lot of people seem to be very confused about stuff. Can i just repeat that i am NOT Elijah Wood and also, that the pictures on this site are not copyrighted by me, and i do not claim ownership of them, as i did not take any of them!
:: Firstly, Elijah is nominated for an award in the 'Kid's Choice Awards'. You know what category he is nominated in? Favorite Male Butt Kicker! hehe, so vote for him here. It will be shown on Nickelodeon on April 20th, at 8:00. Thanks TORn
:: New pictures thanks to the lovely HobbitAngel :) [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8]
:: New Affiliate:
:: You can download the 'Chain of Fools' trailer here Thanks to Michelle and Julia's Elijah Wood Page
:: Also, thanks very kindly to Bonnie for taking these new pictures of Elijah on the set of Try Seventeen and letting me post them on the site: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] Thanks soooooo much, how lucky is she??!
:: This site received an award from Precious Blues :) You can see it on the awards page Thanks!
:: A great site where you can 'adopt a hobbit', i just love these, but since everyone was taken - and i didn't want a clone, i asked for Bill the Pony :) *fingers crossed* [adopt a hobbit] Thanks HobbitAngel for the link!
:: A pictured posted on elijahfan.com and sent to me by Callenre, Natalie and Leila, of Elijah showing his tattoo [pic]
:: Also, a new picture from my friend Venera :) [pic 1] Thanks Venny!
:: Ah! I've been on the internet for far too long, i'll update the rest another day. Please keep sending me news, it's a HUGE help! If you sent me an e-mail, again, sorry if i haven't replied, i will get around to it soon, but i have just been really stressed out lately, and it's only going to get worse. So please, bear with me.
Sunday, 14 April 2002

:: A new picture of Elijah on the set of 'Try Seventeen' in Canada: [Elijah pic]
:: Some behind the scenes LOTR pictures from a messageboard sent to me by HobbitAngel: [site]
:: 3 new pictures sent to me by the lovely Natalie: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] Thanks Girl!
:: Some new pictures sent to me by Autumn :) [pic 1] [pic 2] (Pic 2 was the poster from last month's Dolly) Thanks Autumn!
:: Got news/pics? Send it to: elvenmuggle@yahoo.com ! There are heaps of fanart pics that i have to upload, so i'll get around to doing that soon. Take care everyone!!
Tuesday, 16 April 2002
:: Just a quick request, could people please stop sending me those stupid chain letters, you know those forwarded ones by e-mail? I don't know you, so stop flooding my inbox with 1MB forwarded messages which say stupid things like 'if you don't send this to this many people you'll have bad luck forever'. It is so annoying, grow up! You are NOT going to have bad luck forever! So stop shutting down my mailbox by telling me that i'll have bad luck forever. Thanks!
:: Bonnie has very kindly agreed to write up a report of her trip to the set of Try 17 where she MET - yes, she met - Elijah Wood! But i must warn you, it will make you really really really jealous! lol. You can read it here. Thanks Bonnie!
:: Anyway, TORn has some really cool better quality scans from the Roadshow Magazine which HobbitAngel sent me earlier on this week:
[pic 1]< - -really weird picture [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7]
Aren't they so cute?? :)
:: You can now download a really cool coundown to TTT premiere for your computer. [download site]
:: Today i'll also update the galleries and especially the fanart gallery, so i'll tell you when i finish that. bye for now!
:: I'm currently not accepting ALL fanart which is sent to me, as it is just taking up too much space. However you can keep on sending me art, however not everyone's artwork will be posted. Don't take this offensively, i just cannot accept everybody's. By the way, i uploaded the different fanart sections. You have to check them out! They are just fantastic!!
Sunday, 21 April 2002
:: Hey all you Aussies, you know Rove Live? (The show) well since Orli is in Melbourne, we should all write to Rove asking him if he could interview Orlando Bloom. If he gets enough e-mails then they'd have to take us seriously right? So please, even if you don't live in Australia send an e-mail to Rove Live asking him to interview Orlando Bloom and maybe even Elijah Wood by satellite or something. So what are you waiting for? go, go!
:: To everyone who has sent me fanart (all 5 megabytes of it), i have received it, and i've transfered it to another e-mail account so that it doesn't clog my e-mail anymore. I'll get around to putting it up soon.
:: Got 2 new affiliates:
:: Got a new award :)
:: Bonnie has been feeling really sick lately because she's recovering from surgery so she doesn't have time to answer your e-mails unfortunately. When she's feeling better, I'll re-post her e-mail address and she'll be able to answer your questions then. Hope you feel better Bonnie!! :)
:: And there is a rumour going around that Elijah was sighted with Franka Potente kissing in a restaurant called "Bin 941" Vancouver. Hmmmmm....... interesting, what do you think about it? Thanks to everyone who sent that in.
:: Some information about the episode of "The Osbournes" which Elijah made a guest appearance in. [The Osbournes Recaps] Thanks HobbitAngel!
:: A really cool new site called 'Angels and Elves'. Check it out!
:: Vote for Elijah at E! Online. [Bachelor in training]
Thanks HobbitAngel!
:: Some more news from Hobbit Angel:
"Try Seventeen" is just about wrapped -- if not wrapped already. I think there's only a couple more days of shooting left. Once he's done with that, I'm assuming he'll be on his way back to New Zealand. I read that Liv will be heading back shortly, as well as a couple of other cast members. And from what I can gather -- they'll be staying for at least a month, maybe 2 or 3, for reshoots. So any New Zealanders on the group -- be on the lookout.
:: Yet more news from Hobbit Angel about Hannah Wood :)
Hannah made another appearance on "The Osbournes" tonight. She's hanging out with Kelly Osbourne & consoling her over some issues she's having with her brother (Kelly's issues, not Hannah's, LOL) You really get a better look at her in this episode & you can see the resemblance with Elijah. She's rather pretty, IMO & she seems to be a good friend.
:: A really really nice picture/wallpaper of Elijah Wood sent to me by Dorothy. It's really beautiful and it's obvious that someone made it, so if it was you, please e-mail me so that i know who to credit (and where on earth you got that beautiful picture of him! [Lij pic] Thanks Dorothy!
:: A site where you can download some clips from the Japan Press Conference
:: A really cool site where they have heaps of LOTR pictures grouped according to the separate chapters. [Movie Shots]
:: Some new pictures sent to me by Robin from the TTT - including one of an Oliphaunt! [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] Thanks Robin
Wednesday, 24 April 2002
:: Hey everyone! Guess what! Elijah Wood really is going out with Franka Potente! Don't believe me? Here's proof:
I'm so happy for him! He finally has a girlfriend :) Go Lij! And i don't care what any of you say, it's a great thing and stop being selfish and stupid saying 'oh no'! He deserves to be happy! :) Thanks to this yahoo group for that
:: Some information from the 'Toronto Star' sent to me by the lovely Eirien:
"Ah, springtime in the Rockies. when a young man's fancy turns to a fancy young woman. In the case of Elijah Wood, it is Run Lola Run's Franka Potente. And whatever Lola wants, Lola gets.
The duo is co-starring in the romantic comedy Try Seventeen, currently lensing in Vancouver. Last weekend, Wood and Potente were in major lip-lock during a Von Bondies concert.
And when a comely femme fan came up to gush over Wood, Potente was pighty peeved. She went from kissy to hissy."
:: Elijah and LOTR are nominated for an MTV award, so go and vote now!!
:: "Rings" is lord of MTV Movie Award nominees
:: "Rings" Lords over MTV Movie Nods
:: Elijah's new film 'Ash Wednesday' is set to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City on May 11th. Tickets available through ticketmaster. [more] Thanks to theonering.net!
:: Some information thanks to HobbitAngel:
Was that really Elijah Wood you saw standing next to you at the Pic on April 14, rocking out to the Von Bondies? It might have been, as he showed up at the club after being put on the guest list. The "Lord Of The Rings" star is in town making a film called "Try Seventeen", and he has quickly become a fixture on the local indie-music scene. Blake Jenkins of Scratch Records confirmed that Wood has become a regular customer, and that his tastes run toward the likes of the Strokes and the White Stripes, but that he has also come into the Richards Street shop in search of Kinks reissues and more obscure underground bands. "He's a totally nice guy," Jenkins told The Straight. "He has great taste in music. He has a vast knowledge of what's going on in the underground indie-rock scene and stuff like that, not just rock, but with all different styles of music. He's got quite eclectic tastes." Wood's "Try Seventeen" costar, Mandy Moore, has not been spotted descending the steps of Ms. T's Cabaret or trawling the racks at Zulu Records in search of rare Velvet Underground singles, but we're keeping our eyes open.
:: Well i found out about the 'Elijah on the bike pic' It was made by Rebecca and it is actually a manipulated picture of Josh Hartnett. So it's Elijah's face on Josh's body. But it still looks really nice. So now we know :) Thanks Mystical and everyone who told me about where the pic was from!
:: Heaps of scans sent to me by Robin from Creme Magazine including a great interview: [page 1] [page 2] [page 3] [page 4]
:: A great picture sent by Robin (thanks!!!) from Creme Magazine. Creme Magazine Picture]
:: An article from a newspaper which has a pic of Lij at the Oscars and an article about Ian and his boyfriend. Thanks Robin! :) [article]
:: Absolutely adorable pictures of Elijah from Australia's NW Magazine which i just missed out on getting, however thanks to Robin, i don't need to... [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [article] and yes, he is holding a carton of cigarettes - get over it people!
:: An article about Elijah's relationship with Madeleine Sami from the NZ Herald. [article] Thanks again to Robin!!
:: A 3 page spread from TV hits magazine. Thanks to (guess who) Robin!! :) :)
[page 1] [page 2] [page 3]
:: An article from the Oscars from the NZ Women's Weekly. Thank you so much Robin for sending me all of these scans, luv ya! [Weekly article]
:: Some information about Elijah's film The adventures of Tom Thumb from Hobbit Angel - Thanks!
You can now rent Tom Thumb at Blockbuster Video and he sings in it as well.My bro saw it today in the Kids section of the store and just told me right now.
:: Lots of scans from Spanish magazines sent to me by Tam - thanks girl!
[scan 1] [scan 2] [scan 3] [scan 4] [scan 5] [scan 6] [scan 7]
:: 2 pictures of Elijah accepting an award for 'The Faculty' [pic 1] [pic 2]
Sunday, 28 April 2002
:: I finally got around to updating my galleries! Well, it's nothing special, but i did it. [gallery 31] [gallery 32] [gallery 33] [gallery 34]
:: You can download a 2 part japanese interview with Elijah, Liv and Orlando at orlandomultimedia.net (i *love* that site!). Download it here (it's the first interview)
:: Also from orlandomultimedia.net, some screencaps from that interview (I would take them myself, but i can't take screencaps with windows media player for some reason).
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] [pic 9] [pic 10] [pic 11] [pic 12] [pic 13] [pic 14] [pic 15] [pic 16] [pic 17]
Pictures taken from Orlando Bloom Multimedia
:: A newer version of the TTT trailer, same thing, shorter, but much better quality. [view]
:: The very talented Rocio has sent in a great comic which she made. Definately worth checking out: [page 1] [page 2] [page 3] [page 4] Thanks Rocio!
:: Elijah Wood is to star in a new film about a man who can't stop sucking his thumb. It's called (what else but...) 'Thumbsucker' hmmmm.... interesting. [more] Thanks Mary!
:: Another article about Elijah's new film. [more] Thanks Autumn :)
:: Robin sent these pictures taken by a friend who was driving through Matamata (where Hobbiton was filmed)... [pic 1] [pic 2] hehe, i just love that. Thanks!
:: lol, i just read this great fanfic 'Accepting Elijah and Franka'... It's soooo true. [read]
:: Also, if you met Elijah in Vancouver, please send along a recount or pics, or anything really about your visit to the set of Try 17. Also, please keep on sending me news and pictures of Elijah so that i can keep updating the site! Thanks! -Lucy
Monday, 29 April 2002

:: Hey everyone, just a quick update... There are 2 new pictures of Elijah and Franka (enough proof for you yet?) from different newspapers/magazines. This one was sent by Anna: [Elijah and Franka 1] Thanks Anna!
:: Eirien also sent me a picture of Elijah and Franka Kissing from The Toronto Star again, Sunday April 28 along with this short article:
"Lip Service: Star Gazing told you last week that Elijah Wood and Franka Potente were in major kissy face mode. Now do you believe us? At left, Wood is lord of the rink at the Canucks/Red Wings game in Vancouver. At right, (picture attached) he's got game. When they are not in a clinch, they are shooting the flim Try Seventeen."
[Elijah and Franka 2] Thanks Eirien!!
:: 2 scans sent to me by the lovely Cybie: [Scan 1][Scan 2]
:: I go back to school tomorrow, so they'll be even less updates now :( Sorry guys.
Tuesday, 30 April 2002

:: Heaps of new pictures of Elijah in Vancouver. I know these pictures belong to someone, so if you took these, please e-mail me so that i know who to credit, but these lovely pics were taken from The Bag End Inn (This site is a must see! It has hundreds of pics of the hobbit lads :) Thankyou so much!! :)
[pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] [pic 9] [pic 10] [pic 11] [pic 12] [pic 13]
:: Thanks again to the lovely Anna and Hobbit Angel for these gorgeous pictures. Thankyou!! :)
[pic 1][pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4]
:: Oh and by the way, please don't just take the news off this site and send it to other webmasters without specifying where it is from. Or if you are a webmaster, don't take the news from this site without giving credit to the people who scanned the pics, or me for getting the news. It's really pathetic and irritating.
>> By the way, HAPPY SWEET 16TH GRETCHEN!!! :) <<
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