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News Archive: June



Wednesday, 5 June 2002

:: Ok, i really really shouldn't be on the net, but i can't keep away! But don't expect me to update until the weekend!
:: An article from Max Magazine about Elijah and Franka sent to me by an anonomous Elijah fan :) and for those of us who can't read German, here's what it says:
>> Itīs more than only a flirt Now itīs a fact: Elijah Wood and Franka Potente are a couple
There were a lot of discussions and speculations about this topic but the new pictues show us the new love between Franka Potente, 27, and the US-actor Elijah Wood, well-known from the movie "Lords of the Rings". Franka got to know the 21 years old acter at the set of the movie "Try Seventeen" in Vancouver. In the comedy they play a couple; scenes which were not hard to play. They didnīt hide their love, they have flirted and looked happy together in restaurants and at sports-events. Hardly after the shooting Franka made a stop in Los Angeles (Woodīs hometown), between her flight home to germany. Now she can tell everything her manager, because she got surprised about the news, too. "I was not informed about that, too. She didnīt call me", tells Sohela Emami about her actress. On 6th June Franka will fly back to L.A. for the premiere of her movie "Bourne Identity". In this movie we can see a passionate sex-scene - however with Matt Damon.
:: The chat transcript from the RadioSonic interview sent to me by the lovely HobbitAngel which she found on this site
:: Four new Star Wars premiere pictures: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4]
:: Sorry, i do have more news, but i really have to go. byebyebye!

Thursday, 6 June 2002

:: OMG, i *love* these pictures! They're from a Behind The Scenes Of "The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" and shows Elijah and the hobbits getting prepared for filming. How cute does he look?? [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6] [Pic 7] [Pic 8] [Pic 9] [Pic 10] [Pic 11] See the whole thing at the MTV Flipbook Thanks to Claudia and Nicky
:: A pic sent to me by Ani. Thanks! :)
:: An article about the MTV awards Thanks HobbitAngel.
:: Trivia for Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Thanks again HobbitAngel!
:: Some cool new pictures from a Japanese Magazine.
:: New pictures sent to me by Ani. Thanks Girl! [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6] [Pic 7] [Pic 8]
:: This site got another award :) Thankyou so much!

:: Some really really cool clips from Chain of Fools from The Bag End Inn
:: A new pic sent to me by the lovely Bebe of Elijah at the Star Wars Premiere
:: Some more pics from the Premiere of Star Wars. Thanks Kari!
:: A cool gif that Laura made for me:

Sunday, 9 June 2002

:: Yay, 6 exams down, only 2 to go :) Thanks for being so patient everyone!
:: About all this stuff about Elijah and Franka getting married, and Franka being pregnant, please don't believe this crap. Stop spreading stupid rumours around the net. Please!! People seem to be getting extremely worked up about this, it's not worth it!
:: Woohoo! Good news Aussie fans, Adriana tells me that 'Chain of Fools' will be coming to Blockbuster stores on the 12th June 2002. [read more] Thanks Adriana!
:: An article from a Sydney newspaper about how Mandy Moore and Elijah dated (first i've heard about it) Thanks Ivee!
:: Ani sent me some more pictures of Elijah from Japanese magazines. Thanks Ani! [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6]
:: Autumn sent me some new(ish) pictures of Elijah. [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] Thanks Autumn!
:: Some pictures of a much younger Elijah singing :) [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] Thanks Anna
:: Umberta sent me the link to The LOTR pre-MTV awards show. Download it because it's really good!

Wednesday, 12 June 2002

:: Try Seventeen Blurb.... Thanks TORn
:: Some pics which people have uploaded to the photo center: [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] Thanks to everyone who uploaded them!! :)
:: Some more cool pics from the MTV thing thanks to the Bag End Inn (great site by the way) [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6] [pic 7] [pic 8] [pic 9]
:: Some cool MTV clips which you can download. The site is in another language, but i'm sure you know where to click :) (there are 2 parts to the Elijah one) Plus a cool pic from the MTV awards.
:: A cool cartoon thingy from Julia's Elijah Wood Page Thanks Zombie!
:: A picture of Elijah and Hannah - Thanks Ani!
:: An Elijah Wood audio interview - Thanks Ani
::: A little pic of Elijah from an optical site - Thanks Ani
:: A cute new picture from Zombie :) Thanks
:: LOL, i love this!! [view]

Sunday, 16 June 2002

:: Quick update just to say that i probably won't be updating this week until i finish my maths exams. (ok, so maybe i'm just updating to avoiding studying). Sorry about that.
:: But i also just had to post these pictures taken by Ruthie of Elijah on Movie House for all of you who like me, don't have MTV *sniff* Thanks girl! [pic 1] < - - yes that is Elijah!! :) [pic 2] [pic 3] [pic 4] [pic 5] [pic 6]
:: Eh, more crap i guess, but some of you may be interested: Wood you marry me? Thanks to everyone who sent this in (and other articles which basically said that same thing)!

Saturday, 22 June 2002

:: Well, to be completely honest, there really isn't much news about Elijah at all :( Come on people! send me news! But i'm shocked that Elijahfan.com shut down! That was such a mad site. What's happening to all of the Elijah sites? :( Well, you can count of this site staying up for a lil longer (it's already been up for 9 months!! WOW!)
:: Amy made me a cool new banner (thanks girl):

>> <<

Sunday, 23 June 2002

:: Geez, i didn't know that not having Elijah news pissed so many people off. It's not my fault he isn't doing anything!!! So don't tell me to hurry up and get news cause there ain't any!! (sorry, just so that i don't have to reply to people individually)
:: OK, but some nice people did send me news :) Like the lovely Adriana who found a site with some more pics from the Sydney premiere from The Lord of the Rings Fanclub. (how cute does he look??)
:: Got lots of new affiliates:
Appreciation All about Legolas and Orlando Dedicated to: ANNA PAQUIN Dedicated to: SCARLETT JOHANSSON Orlando Bloom and Fan Arts Hobbits Elf
Did i miss anyone? E-mail me
:: omg, i love these things! Click on them to adopt them!

:: An article about Elijah filming in New Zealand - Thanks Autumn!
:: Ani sent me another picture of Elijah and Franka at that hockey game - shame about the quality though. Thanks girl! [view]
:: Anna sent me a cool new poster of Elijah from a Finnish magazine 'Suosikki'. Thanks Anna!
:: Not sure if I've posted this up yet: Osbournes talking about Elijah Thanks Autumn! By the way, The Osbournes are coming to Channel 10 in Australia soon, so watch out for that!
:: Well apparantly Elijah and Mandy never dated according to abstracts.net/mandy-moore:
June 6, 2002 - Mandy Moore posted on her official site message board a denial of New York Post gossip columnist Liz Smith's claim that she was in heartbreak after 'Try Seventeen' co-star Elijah Wood moved on from dating her to dating Franka Potente. Mandy said, "Where do they get this stuff? Wow... unreal. Can't a guy and girl be friends anymore? Geez."
Thanks Moe W
:: Scarlett sent me a cool wallpaper which she made. Thanks!!!
:: Uploaded some new galleries: [Gallery 37] [Gallery 38] [Gallery 39]
:: Got any news? Sent it to me. The next update will probably be on Wednesday - maybe earlier if i get anything interesting

>> <<

Wednesday, 26 June 2002

:: Hey everyone! Well i've finally gotten my act together and gotten a co-webmaster - well sort of. My friend Autumn has offered to help me out with the site - updates, e-mails, news, that sort of stuff. She's still learning some HTML and stuff so she won't be updating just yet. But if you have any problems/questions/news, you can now e-mail Autumn (her e-mail address is: autumn_loves_elijah@hotmail.com) It's probably a better idea if you have a question to e-mail her because she can get back to you quicker, of course you can still e-mail me! So for now, if you have news, e-mail me still, but anything else can go to her. :)
:: A new article about Elijah and Franka thanks to Autumn
:: Sorry everyone, i have no idea what happened to Elijahwoodinc.com, but it should be up again soon, just keep checking back :) Hopefully it won't stay down long!
:: You can now download the NEW Two Towers trailer at Theonering.net So go go go!
:: Some new pictures sent to me by the lovely Irene [pic 1] [pic 2] [pic 3]
:: The really really odd Lord of the Rings Spoof from the MTV awards can be downloaded from the media section of Sarah-Michelle-Gellar.com. Thankyou so much Kristy. Note: This isn't exactly PG rated.

Thursday, 27 June 2002

:: Ok, so from now on, you can send news/info/pics/questions to either me (Lucy) or Autumn. :)
:: HobbitAngel sent me a transcipt of an interview with Elijah Wood from a magazine - don't know how old it is though
Lets Get One Thing Clear- Are You Single?
Yes, I am. I wont be married for a VERY long time! I still live at home in the guest house of the main house that my mum and sister live in. Its a bit bigger than a dog kennel!
What do you take with you when you're away from home?
I always take my music- and i took my blanket to new zealand with me when we were makin LOTR. Sumtimes u get 2 a hotel and u just dont like the bedclothes. my blanket reminds me of home!
:: Some cool screencaps from the new TTT trailer.

Thursday, 27 June 2002

:: Hey Everyone, Well I'm officially Lucy's new Co-webmaster! (Thanks Lucy!) :) Well I suppose i'll tell you a bit about myself, my name is Autumn, and i'm another HUGE Elijah fan from Australia.. :) If there's anything more you would like to know, don't hesitate to send me an email (Here) I'm also still trying to work out the HTML, so please, bear with me if anything's wrong.. :)
::Click here to see some news about the LOTR Videos and DVD's coming out in August. Thankyou to Emma!
:: James has sent some news about Try Seventeen Here Thanks James
:: Just so you all know, I just recieved an email from Giz who emailed the webmaster of elijahwoodinc.com, apparently the webhost took the site down, so she is currently searching for a new webhost, it'll be up soon again, dont worry :)
Well that's all the news I have for now! :)
Take Care!

Friday, 28 June 2002

:: A cool site where you can download lotr clips, sound clips and other things Elijah related. Check it out! Thanks Mel!
:: According to Krisi, the Official Elijah Wood site will once again be up and running come mid-summer/beginning of fall. Can't wait for that!! :) Thanks Krisi. Also, apparantly, when asked about 'that marriage proposal', Elijah replied: "Wow, someone actually has to sit down and think of this stuff!?". So i suppose this means that he isn't planning anything?
:: Bored? Go and play Elijah Wood hangman :) Thanks Lizzie
:: Don't you just love these blinkie things? I'm addicted to making them, I've even started making them for other people now, lol. i.e. Autumn :) Ah, small obsessions make me happy. Got news? you know what to do with it :) Brazil is gonna win the world cup and you know it! Have a nice weekend everyone! :) luv ya!

Friday, 28 June 2002

:: Hey! Well a few small updates...
:: A bit of news about "Thumbsucker".... :
Who's up?
One thumb up? Elijah Wood has agreed to star in "Thumbsucker," playing an orally obsessed Minnesota teenager who half-involuntarily still sucks his thumb. His quest to end his fixation through other outlets - cigarettes, alcohol, pills, the school debate team ("an experi- ment in concentrating on what came out of my mouth instead of what went into it"), and fly-fishing throws his eccentric family into chaos.
Thanks Kathryn!
:: A countdown to Try Seventeen... Here
Thanks Quaxo
:: Quaxo also informs us:.....:
ELIJAH CONTEMPLATES SCHOOL! Elijah's ever undying need for an education may be landing him in Colombia University sooner than he thinks. "I want to learn more about what goes on behind the camera," he says. "I love acting, and it is and always will be my passion; but I want ot learn how to make it all fit together." Wood is looking into Colombia on the East coast in New York. He will not be makin any final desicions about what this means to his career.
:: Andrea sent me some information about other movies Elijah has been in...:
Elijah lended his voice to the role of Icarus for an eposide, "Responsiblity", of "Adventures from the Book of Virtue". Has anyone else heard about these videos?
Thanks Andrea!
:: Also.... for any Australian's out there, The Osbournes starts on Monday, July 1st, on channel 10 @ 9.00pm.. I also believe that Elijah appers in the 2cd episode, so don't forget!! :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for my blinkie too Lucy! :)

Sunday, 30 June 2002

:: Lots of mainly rumours which have been sent in by various people (thanks everyone) which you can find at Elijahs Doorstep
:: Apparantly Elijah did an exclusive interview for Elijah's Doorstep. I don't know if he really did, or if it was made up, but you can judge for yourself here
:: In the August edition of 'Teen People' there was a section in the "Have You Heard?" section which read:
"A hobbit's hobby: That's really Elijah Wood playing piano in his upcoming comedy, Try Seventeen. He also tickeled the ivories between takes, playing the themes to Halloween and Star Wars..." :) What a talented little guy. Thanks Audrey!
:: Some more info about 'Try Seventeen' Thanks Ana
:: A scan from Orlandomultimedia.net about why we love Elijah Thanks Anna!
:: Good news Aussie fans! The MTV awards are airing on Channel 10 this Thursday at 9:30pm. Make sure you don't miss it! Thanks Gretchen and Pia

*cough* Go Brazil

Sunday, 30 June 2002

:: Well,I wasn't planning to update tonight... but i feel the need to :)
:: Hobbit Angel sends us some news on Elijah and Franka..
ELIJAH FINDS MORE THAN A FRIEND? The quite hard to believe pair Potente and Wood talk about what they think of the rumors that have been sprouting since their Spring romance. Franka, 28, and Wood, 21; merely laugh at the prospect of their marriage and supposed pregnancy. On MTV, the couple stated, "And listen to this...they think I am pregnant!" "Really, wow, where was I!?" asks Elijah. Jokingly they say that they find comfort in each other due to their everlasting friendship.
* Note this is from Elijah's Doorstep
:: Also... for those who live in Washington... Hobbit Angel tells me that those videos/shows that Elijah appears in tht I posted in an earlier update, appear on Sunday Afternoons on PBS, i'm not exactly sure of the times though :)
Thanks Hobbit Angel :)
:: Kellie sent us an article from Australia's Sunday Telegraph:
Lord of the rings stars Elijah Wood and Liv Tyler vistied the Napoleon Cosmetics Concept store (a branch of the original Sdyney store) in New Zealand recently to stock up on Napoleon's products. In New Zealand for extra filming on the anticipated second and third instalments of The Lord of the rings, the celebriteis both paid a suprise visit to the Welllington store- much to the delight of the staff. Confidential hears that hot pink was a favourite for Tyler who plays the elf Arwen in the film trillogy. Hobbit Frodo (Wood) visited the store with his girlfriend and brought up big.
Thanks Kellie!

Sunday, 30 June 2002

:: I just got an email from Jen telling me that elijahfan.com is back up, however Katie (the Webmaster) needs someone to help her out... i'm not exactly sure of her email but if you visit her website Here she has a form which you can fill out :)
:: For those who are able to get Teen People magazine, the August 2002 issue apparenty has a picture of Elijah in the "Star Tracks" section on page 88.. there is also a small picture of Elijah when he attended the Academy Awards, which is on page 106, and the magazine also mentions the LOTR in the Video & DVD section on page 114
Thankyou to Hannah for the news! :)
:: Quaxo found some more news about Thumbsucker..
Thumbsucker: Elijah Wood will play a young man who can't stop sucking his thumb. Ananova says he is called the " 'King Kong of oral obsessives' by his dentist. Justin tries to get over his fixations but ends up throwing his already far-from-conventional family into chaos. [Tilda] Swinton will play Audrey, Justin's mother, a part-time nurse who helps the rich and famous to dry out. Scarlett Johansson is in talks to play a girl who Justin has a crush on." Thanks!
Well that's all the news I have right now because it's getting late and I have school tommorow! :(


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