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News Archive: September 2003
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September 2, 2003 |
:: For people in the US.. This month (September) on Encore Movie Network, they are featuring Elijah Wood movies. There is also a brief interview before each movie with Elijah. - Thanks to Veronica, Deb, Bree, Emma Paige and anyone else that sent along that news!
:: New pics scanned by Patsie from the bagendinn.. [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5] [Pic 6]
:: New ROTK picture -- if you don't wanna see spoilers, then i probably suggest you don't look at it ;) Thanx for the link frodos_girl!
:: News from Kristi about the DVD.. Just yesterday I was over at Fred Meyers and I bought a Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers DVD. Well, apparently, when you buy the DVD, you get a free bobble head! They've got a lot. I think they had Frodo, Pippen, Merry, Sam, Aragorn, Gollum, and Gandalf. There're only available at Fred Meyer and I assume you can get them nation wide (I live in the US by the way)
:: On a recent 'Entertainment Weekly' article, it mentioned: , lij loves the movie "the family man" with nic cage, which he has seen like 6 times, and always cries. - hehe awwww ;) thanks Capotica!
:: And something Mieke wanted me to pass on.. I'm making for Elijah a book that I will give him in begin october. The enddate for sending messages is 20september. It doesn't matter how long the message is, and you can always add a photo. And that can then be mailed to me at Mieke.Vervloet@skynet.be
:: Cya! Have a nice week everyone! :)
September 8, 2003 |
:: Hey Guys! Not much news really so send along anything you think might be useful for updates :)
:: New picture thanks to Malli :)
:: Another new and rather interesting picture from da Bagendinn! :)
:: For Portuguese fans, Anck-su-Namun sends along some news! the TTT DVD release in Portugal will be on Sptember the 10th. It's a special edition with 2 DVD and it has included Sean Astin The long & short of it. The ultra special edition with 4 DVD will be released close to the end of the year.
:: Carrie sent along an article you might be interested in -- Shops Angry LOTR DVD is sold early :)
:: For the people in the US.. FOTR and TTT are being re-released, go here for more info!
September 12, 2003 |
:: Julia sent along a new advertisement for the 'All I Want' DVD coming out on Sept 16! It's from the September 12th edition of 'Entertainment Weekly' mag - Thanx girl! :)
:: Just to remind UK people.. Elijah will be in Milton Keynes from October 3rd to 6th for Collectormania! Thanks Manda!
:: For Americans.. on Thursday at 5:15 p.m. (eastern time)TMC will be showing "Avalon". Thanks to Mollie for the news!
:: And finally, some news from Clare.. wanted to let you know Elijah is on the october/november teen vogue cover!!! - Anyone with a scan, please send it along!
September 15, 2003 |
:: Hmmmm well apparently lij is not on the 'Teen Vogue' cover.. but Jenn adds that he does have 2 small pics on page 56! Thanx to all the people that informed me about that :)
:: Some new piccies thanks to Blurr [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] - i swear that boy is addicted to Tower Records ;)
:: Andy sent along this picture which really intrigued me cause the resemblance is so strong! Andy informed me that the famous statue is of 'David' by Michelangelo :)
:: Elijah has been spotted in London recently.. Paul sent along this: I had to write because my flatmate just called me from Piccadilly in Central London. He was ten feet behind Elijah, who was there signing autographs and having his photo taken -- wearing his usual corduroy jacket. Thanks!
:: Some collectormania updates: I just thought i'd mention that Elijah will only be in Milton Keynes, UK on the 5th and 6th for Collectormania, there's a newline press junket on friday so they can't attend and they are only attending the evening screening speech on saturday. So just the 5th and 6th for signings, thats sunday and monday, i'd hate for people to go on friday or saturday and be disappointed! - Thanks to Hobbit Haddy and Holly for the news!
:: Cassie sends some info regarding the ROTK trailer.. Secondhand Lions, opening on September 16, is supposed to have the premiere ROTK trailer as part of its previews. However, the trailer needs some fixing-up, so though Secondhand Lions will be released on the 16, the trailer will not be shown until September 26.
:: And finally some news from Carolyn! A quick update on the status of the 'All I want/Try17' DVD: I just received my shipment notice from Amazon. Anyone else who has ordered it, it should be on it's way shortly! - Thanks girl!
:: Also.. Lucy is doing exams at da moment so she might not be updating for a lil bit :)
September 18, 2003 |
:: Yes, yes, i'm still alive ;) I just haven't been updating because there's virtually no news - well no one's sending me anything anyway. Please, send me something??
:: Anyway, the fabulous Marcus from elijah-wood.com has made a chat room for A+F!! Well, not strickly for this site, it's also combined with his site, so you have more chance of being able to talk to people at any one time ;) Apparantly it's easy to use and if you get stuck there are moderators [marked with a special sign in front of their names] who would be more than happy to help. It's located here. When it loads, you may have to agree to download an irc thingy, just agree to that, and make sure you register your username.
I know that a lot of you have been asking for this for a while, so i hope you can make use of it :)
Thankyou so much Marcus!
September 21, 2003 |
:: Hey Guys! Not alot of news but thanx to those who have been sending some in!
:: New Pic thanks to Capotica!
:: Mag news for Swedish people! Elijah is on the next number of the Swedish magazine Frida out 18th September. - Thanks to Anna Erika for the news!
:: Adriana asked me to post this: im making a kind of book but i need some ideas to put more that messages it could be draws that some of the fans do, or maybe questions to him, i will give it to him before the ROTK premiere or if can't well i will give it to him in the premiere. -- if yor interested, email Adriana at: adisma13@hotmail.com
:: For people in the US.. I've had several emails to tell me that 'All I Want' is available to buy at Target and Best Buy -- Thanx to everyone that has been sending that news along!
:: Interested in being a co-webby for this site? - There are details about it on her site or you can email Kayleigh at: frogzhoppinaround@hotmail.com
September 26, 2003 |
:: Great news everyone! The ROTK trailer will be released on the internet [on lordoftherings.net] on Monday! Also, TORn posted this:
Several of you have written in to say that the following message has been posted on AOL ROTK Boards: "Join fellow 'Lord of the Rings' fans this Sunday [the 28th] beginning at midnight ET to watch the movie trailer for 'Return of the King.' AOL will be the only place you can see this trailer, so be sure to join us at AOL Keyword: Lord of the Rings!"
Definately keep an eye on Theonering.net for all of the information on the ROTK trailer. They've posted heaps of descriptions of it that you might want to check out. Also, you can download a little snippet of the trailer that was shown on E! here - And yes there are spoilers of course! You can also view screencaps of that trailer here - Courtesy of Elf Lady. Also from Elf Lady, screencaps from the ROTK TV trailer ad which aired with the "Second-hand Lions" commercial.
:: Sherri sent in this fantastic news which was printed in the NY POST Wed Sept 24th:
Robin Williams, Elijah Wood (and others) Will play Celebrity Charades on September 29 at the Daryl Roth Theater to raise money for the Labyrinth Theater Company. I called and they said tickets are a whopping $250 per person. There will be cocktails and 'heavy' hors' derves at 7pm, a speech and awards ceremony, after which, at about 8:45pm, the games will be under way. She said the only possible no show was Robin Williams because of schedule conflicts, but everyone else is expected to be there. I also asked if there was going to be any media coverage, and was told E Entertainment network was going to be there...that's all I was told. Benefit coordinater: Sally Sanders
Also in attendance will be Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd! :) More info is here and you can buy tickets here. I'd *love* to be able to go to that! Thanks Sherri for the news!
:: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind trailer can be download here - Thanks Ellie who posted that in the commenting system [BTW thanks for all of your positive comments]
September 27, 2003 |
:: ROTK Trailer! WOW! Here is the ROTK trailer [from theonering.net] that is gonna be released on lordoftherings.net on Monday, only it's an asian version that was shown on tv there i think. It's not the *best* quality - it's a little dark, but it's very clear, and contains major spoilers - I'm warning you, don't download it if you don't want to see it ok? I'd recommend waiting for the nicer version on monday, but this is still really really cool :D
:: While you're waiting for that to download, here are some Frodo screencaps from the trailer [thanks OBM]: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
September 28, 2003 |
:: New Pic thanx to Capotica and da Bagendinn :)
:: Sorry, this is totally un Elijah related but for all those Dom fans out there, Dom will be on the 'Sharon Osbourne Show' on Monday September 29 - check out this site for local air times -- Thanks Maureen for the news :)
:: Katty sent along this big Toronto pic :)
:: Nina sent along some caps from 'Sunshine' - thanx girl! [Cap 1] [Cap 2] [Cap 3] [Cap 4]
:: And.. a new pic of lij i've never seen.. Thanx Tiamat!
:: An Elijah Sighting in London.. Thanks Stef! i spotted elijah in "est est est" restaurant in londons leicster square...wearing blue jeans and a black suit jacket...he was with Billy Boyd! I'm scottish 2 so i was speaking 2 billy but elijah could hardly make out what i was saying! anyway i saw him on Wed 17 September :)
:: Ashley sends along this message.. I'm starting a lotr humor site. Well it's not entirely lotr, it also has potc, and star wars. I'm looking for a co-webmaster to help run the site. It's this site and my email is AKC925@aol.com
:: For Aussies with Foxtel or Austar.. 25th Sept. (3:45pm) The Lord of The Rings, Fellowship ~ Movie One (ch. 29) - 26th Sept. (9:40am) The Lord of The Rings, Fellowship ~ Movie One (ch. 29) - 17th Oct. (8:30pm) The War ~ Encore (ch. 4) - 18th Oct. (9:15am) The War ~ Encore (ch.4) - 21st Oct. (1:30am) Primetime Glick, also with Megan Mullally ~The Comedy Channel (ch. 25) - 21st Oct. (8:00pm) Primetime Glick, also with Megan Mullally ~ The Comedy Channel (ch. 25) Thanks Megzi!
:: Some random news for Canadians.. Sunshine will be airing on October 7th on CBC Television in Canada -- Thanks Michelle!