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News Archive: November 2003
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November 2, 2003 |
:: A *big* thankyou to Carrie for making us this wonderful fansign! :) *hugs* Thanks girl!!
:: If you just love messageboards / Forums, check out this cool one sent to me by Kaytee :D
:: And finally, a really cool article that Rebecca sent to me from the 'New York Observer' that i'm sure alot of you will be really pleased about :D
Lord of the Wingdings
Elijah Wood recently gave keen-eared riders on the No. 2 train a preview of his most recent artistic collaboration with fellow actor Viggo Mortensen. We’re not talking about plot points to the last installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but rather his participation in a musical jam session with his Rings co-star and the exotic rock ’n’ roll creature known as Buckethead, which took place during the recording of Mr. Mortensen’s upcoming album of experimental rock.
"The guy is a genius, and I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is my chance,’" Mr. Wood was overheard saying of his opportunity to play piano, percussion and even sing alongside Buckethead, the enigmatic performer who wears the equivalent of a K.F.C. bucket on his head while playing. Buckethead was last seen by a mass audience when he appeared as a member of the new lineup of Guns N’ Roses on the 2002 MTV Music Awards.
"I got to jam for about four hours!" Mr. Wood could be heard saying on the No. 2 train. "It was really fantastic to be able to contribute, and I’m actually going to be on the album!
"According to a rep for Mr. Mortensen, a few weeks ago Mr. Wood and a few cast members from the Rings trilogy paid a visit to Mr. Mortensen, who was in his studio recording with Buckethead. "They ended up jamming," said the rep, "and they used some of that on the album, which is what Elijah was talking about [on the subway]." Mr. Mortensen, who has also expressed himself via painting and photography, has already produced three albums with Buckethead.
Mr. Wood—who was looking very un-Frodo-like on the train with a crew cut, designer jeans, Diesel shoes and a mid-length tan jacket—told his subway companions that Mr. Mortenson’s albums are "very atmospheric. Some of it isn’t really music, but with each progressive album, they’ve become more musical." Mr. Mortensen’s new album, Pandemoniumfromamerica, comes out in November.
If your interested in buying Viggo's CD, check out this site :) Thanx Rebecca!!!
November 5, 2003 |
:: Wanna see some pics from the 2004 LOTR calendar and the official photo guide? well here is the place! [*Note* i'm warning you.. this might contain spoilers ;)] Thanks Dana!
:: Another lovely fansign made for us by Lyl! Thanks Girl :)
:: Nikki sent along her autograph from Collectormania :) Sweet!
:: New [but old]pic sent along by ElijahMonkey! i'm pretty sure that's Macaulay Culkin in the picture too but i can't be certain..
:: For US fans.. blockbuster video in the u.s. has 'all i want' pre-viewed dvd and costs $12.99 but there are some others depending on where the store is...every store is different when it comes to pre-viewed stock....some other elijah titles are ash wednesday and two towers.....there could be some more it just really depends on the store...and now they are having a sale you buy 2 dvd's for $20 or 2 tapes for $10.....i thought if you wanted you can post this on the site. -- Thanks to Amy Kate for the news :)
:: For Aussie fans.. hey...i just looked through the tv guide and Deep Impact is gonna be on tv this Saturday, chnl 9 at 9:15pm...and oh yeah that's from a melbourne tv guide...but guessing it's the same for all other cities/states - Thanks Adriana and Maryanne!
:: Also from Maryanne.. Just a short note to let people know that the Cadbury/Schweppes promo has started again (in Australia only, as far as I know). You can win $A250, 000 in Gold by sending in any two wrappers from the Cadbury/Schweppes range. The choccy covers have the main LOTR characters on them- Aragorn on the Dairy Milk, Frodo on the Fruit and Nut, and there are also Legolas, Gimli and Merry and Pippin appearing on the others.
November 8, 2003 |
:: Hmmm.. rumour has it that Elijah now lives in New York! Thanks to Shannon, Capotica, Sheila and Monica for this news :)
:: For Danish fans, here is an article that talks about Elijah's NY move and his record label plans :) Thanks Pernille!
:: Elijah has been in Boston recently! Soda Pop sent this: FRODO BAGGINS IN BOSTON - Actor Elijah Wood was in town for a few days with his pal, Puny Human drummer Iann Robinson (who also does the news on MTV). On Monday, while Robinson's band gigged at the Middle East, Wood hung around outside, drawing the gaze of a few ''Lord of the Rings'' fans. Yesterday, Wood showed up at the tattoo emporium owned by Frank Pino, lead singer of the band Waltham, and watched as Robinson added yet more ink to his arms. The two then departed for New York, apologizing to Pino for missing Waltham's show Saturday at the Middle East.
:: Nikki sent along some great pictures that her friend took at Collectormania! Thanx Girl :) [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4] [Pic 5]
:: Holly sent along some Frodo pics from ROTK! [ROTK 1] [ROTK 2]
:: Fi sends along some news for Aussie fans! Just thought that i would let any Aussie fans that you can buy a 2004 Return of the King calander at Video Ezy. It comes with discount voucher for every month. Its really worth the $6.95 that it cost. This only in Melbourne but im sure you can get it every else.
November 10, 2003 |
:: TORn has a great new LA Times Article up, and BEI posted these pics which accompany that article: [pic 1] [pic 2]
:: Some information for LOTR fans in France:
The extended version of The Lord of the Ring will be on theatres in France on:
The Fellowship of the Ring: from 3 to 9 december
The Two Towers: from 10 to 15 december
Thanks ARWEN60
:: Also, Dominic sent in this new pic - Thanks ;)
:: Steph sent in this rather interesting tidbit:
When searching for tickets for the LOTR Trilogy Marathon [where they'll show both extended editions of the first two movies followed by the very first screening of 'The Return of the King' the night before the official release date], i discovered that that the running time for the marathon is 692 minutes total (the FOTR extended version is 208 minutes and TTT extended version is 223 minutes as we already know!) which means.......... that 'The Return of the King' is going to be a whopping 261 minutes long for only the theatrical version so in other words it's 4 HOURS & 21 MINUTES in length!!!!!!
Of course that's just the conclusion she's come up with - so it is NOT confirmed ok? I seriously doubt it will be that long, but omg that would be cool! Thanks Steph!
:: Brodie sent us another fansign! :D Thanks girl! *hugs*
:: Michelle wrote in to remind everyone that the Two Towers extended DVD is coming out on November 18 [in the US at least] ... which is a little over a week away! BTW, you can either pre-order it online
or here if you want to ;) Maggie also sent in this article with lots of info on the DVD [So beware of spoilers of course!] Also, 3 new ROTK posters are available online from PosterNow.com : [1 ] [2 ] [3 ]
November 12, 2003 |
:: Carrie and Capotica sent along a new article -- 'Frodo Gets Emotional' -- Beware! This does contain spoilers.. ;) Thanks Guys!
:: Bit of support for fellow Elijah sites! :) Vote for elijah-online.org in several categories at this site!
:: A cute old picture sent along by Marie :)
:: Marie also sent this.. the lord of the rings, the return of the king trailer plays before the movie, "elf."
:: Mag news.. In The UK the magazine called SHOUT has a A4 size poster of elijah wood.The magazine costs just 2.75.
:: For British fans from Sophie.. ALL I WANT is released on the 29th of December but u can pree order it from Amazon.co.uk.
November 14, 2003 |
:: Some new pictures from the LA Times photo shoot: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] Thanks to everyone who sent those in!
:: Some news for Canadians from Shelley [Thanks girl!]
Elijah Wood and Billy Boyd are going to be on Much Music on Thursday, Nov 20th at 5:40
:: Apparantly Flipper is being released on DVD on January 4th 2004 - Thanks Kate
:: Also, the A+F Fanlisting, run by the lovely Alisa has been re-opened, unfortunately the members list was deleted :( So if you want to sign up again, please do ;)
November 16, 2003 |
:: Yay... fantastic scans from the latest issue of Premiere Magazine! [cover] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] - Thanks TORn!
:: Justine sent in this site where you can hear previews of the tracks on the ROTK sountrack - Thanks girl!
:: According to this site, Elijah visited the set of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Thanks Hannah.
:: A cute fansign from the lovely Taci - thanks :)
:: Remember that AOL competition to win the chance to interview the cast of LOTR at the premiere? Well it's voting time at AOL now, so if any of the A+F visitors entered, let us know and we'll get everyone to vote for ya ;)
:: Christie sent in this piece from Australia's TV Week: Elijah Wood is having a very public identity crisis. "I just met Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) recently." says the Lord of the rings star. "I said, 'Everybody thinks i'm Harry Potter,' and he replied, 'Everybody thinks i'm Frodo.' That and people confuse me with Tobey Maguire, which i really don't understand."
:: Some more info from Stefania about the MuchMusic appearance:
Elijah, Andy and Billy will be appearing on MuchMusic's program "Much on Demand" at 5:00pm Eastern Time on November 20th 2003. You must be over the age of 14 to get inside. You can call (416)870-6824 and choose option #3 for wristbands. You will need a wristband to get in. Much Music is loated at the corner of Queen Street and John Street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For any further information or to check out what else Much Music has to offer you can visit the website at www.muchmusic.com
Thankyou so much Stefania for that!
:: Don't forget the extended edition of TTT is coming out on Tuesday!
:: Also, some news for lotr fans - Saruman and Wormtongue will not appear in ROTK, rather will appear in the EE of ROTK. If you wish you can sign this petition to have the Saruman scenes put back into ROTK [there are over 14000 signatures!]
November 17, 2003 |
:: TORn posted more scans from Premiere Magazine ;) You can see them here
:: Also Sean, Elijah and Billy will be on MTV's 'Total Request Live' this Wednesday, November 19
:: [spoiler] Aimee and Becca sent in this new Frodo pic from ROTK
:: Also, a rumour posted on TORn: "Elijah Wood will be hosting Saturday Night Live on December 13th" - obviously not confirmed yet UPDATE: It has been confirmed here - Thanks Anna
:: A pic sent in by Maria
November 18, 2003 |
:: Hey Everyone :) Well, i'm sure most of you have read this story by now.. if you feel strongly about his character being in ROTK, feel free to sign this petition..
:: Another lovely fansign sent along by Manda -- Thanks heaps girl :)
:: I'm sure you've seen these 2 pictures, but Hany sent along some nice large versions of em! :) [Pic 1](corrected link) [Pic 2] :)
:: For UK fans.. on Bassets candy sticks, there is a little lotr card inside with a character on it, and if you collect them all, they make a map of middle earth! :D heeee , the packs are 20 p each. GO BUY EM! - Very cool ;) Thanx Holly!
:: From Laura.. I'm just e-mailing saying that the trailer for "The Return of the King" is playing before "Matrix: Revolutions." Although I'm not sure if it just the U.S or not.
:: Some AMAZING pictures from ROTK sent along by Malli :) [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3]
:: From Claire.. ok I just got back from seeing 'Love Actually' and I just wanted to let you know that they showed the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind trailer before hand. it is the same as the one that has been online, but it was beautiful none-the-less haha.
:: And finally.. Hany sent along some rare pics i've never seen.. [Picture 1] [Picture 2]
November 21, 2003 |
:: TRL pics on this page - credit goes to the lovely undone who we would be lost without.
:: Some pics from getty images from Aimee [Thanks girl!] ... [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
:: TORn has a page up with Elijah's upcomming appearances
:: This pic was also in Premiere Magazine - Thanks to the BEI!
:: 2 new pics from Anna [Thanks!] [1] [2]
:: A collage of the making of Viggo's CD - which BTW you can order here - This page also contains info about the tracks... notice that Elijah does some vocals, piano and percussion ;) [You can also order it here]
:: Also, here's a really cute picture of Elijah, Billy and a fan ;)
November 22, 2003 |
:: Eluned kindly scanned an article about Elijah from Fantasy Worlds magazine - Thanks! :) [Scan 1] [Scan 2]
:: Heidi was lucky enough to get an autograph from Elijah, Sean and Billy (i think, it's hard to tell by the signitures) recently when they were at Madison Square Gardens..
:: Mary kindly typed and sent along her experience from TRL recently which i put on this page :) TORn also posted this report from the event!
:: New ROTK picture! Thanks M.S.
:: From Erin: Grocery stores in the U.S. are selling Pringles cans with Legolas and Gandalf on them. I'm not sure if there are cans with the other characters, but those are the two right now.
:: While were on the subject of Pringles, Tasha sent along this: On special boxes of pringles there is a chance to win ROTK prizes.Elijah wood as (frodo) is on the box of original flavour pringles. - Check out this site to see what you can win!
:: Arwen60 sent along some interesting info! In the extented version of TTT in the actor's comments : they say that in the Helm's Deep (in the caves) you can see a young blond-hair woman and she is Hannah Wood, Elijah's sister !!!
November 23, 2003 |
:: Hany sent along some lovely BIG pics of the boys at TRL :) [TRL 1] [TRL 2] [TRL 3]
:: Maggie also typed up her TRL encounter and i put it on this page :) Thanx Girl!
:: For all you girls out there that have always longed for a t-shirt with Elijah imprinted on em, this is your lucky day! Megan sent along this link where you can buy an Elijah shirt for only $19! :)
:: I thought this may be interesting for some cause i know alot of you like TORn, Wendy from dreamish.com sent along an interview she did with Michael Regina (Xoanon) which just tells a lil bit about TORn and mentions lij ;) You can also enter this competition :)
:: New article which talks about Elijah's new film 'Hooligans' - Thanks to Jenn for the link!
:: Another new article and picture bout the boys when they were in Toronto recently.. Thanx Steffi!
:: A transcript of Elijah, Billy and Andy has been released from Much Music last Thursday! Check it out here courtesy of TORn :)
:: For US fans: In the United States, Starz! movie network will be featuring a Lord of the Rings marathon from December 19-21. The 19th will have the FotR and the 20th will have the Two Towers. On the last day is a Starz! on the set of the RotK. - Thanks Veronica! :)
:: And finally, good news for Danish fans! [Thanks Pernille ;)] Peter Jackson, Viggo Mortensen, Elijah Wood and Christopher Lee have all been confirmed for the ROTK World (Pre-) Premiere in the Tivoli Concerto Hall, Copenhagen on the 14. December 2003. The press release also mentions that other actors from the film will attend but that has yet to be confirmed. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to buy tickets since this is a charity event, but the old Tivoli garden will be open to the public - on this particular day it will be completely devoted to J.R.R. Tolkien and ROTK.
:: Thanks for all the news guys! :) Enjoy what's left of your weekend!
November 25, 2003 |
:: Screencaps of Elijah, Billy and Andy's appearance on TNS' 'Off the Record' talk show in Canada - Thanks to TORn of course!
:: The Bagendinn has an absolutely HILARIOUS clip of Dom and Elijah err.. "singing" [and i use the term loosely] "Half Fling" which is a song on Viggo's album - It's on the 11/23 update at the BEI
:: Also from BEI, make sure you vote for Elijah as Best Actor in the Empire Awards on this page
:: Some pics from Elijah's appearance on 'Much on Demand': [1] [2] [3] [4] - Thanks Steph!
:: FrodoandSam.net has 2 new clips: elijah on the edge radio station in toronto (audio) and elijah, dom and billy on mtv's total request live - Definately worth seeing :D
:: Lianne let me know about a competition for UK fans to win tickets to the world premiere in New Zeland, or the UK premiere, or other good prizes - info is here - Also for UK fans, the ROTK premiere will be on the 11th :) Thanks Lianne!
:: A newish picture [i think] from Aimee ;)
:: A cool site sent to me by Cassie that has some clips from the extended TTT DVD and production stills
:: Finally, Lij is going to be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on December 3 @ 11:35PM ET - Thanks again Steph!
November 27, 2003 |
:: In one of my past updates.. I got sent the news that Hannah Wood apparently appears in ROTK.. if anyone has access to this part of the movie and is able to send me some screencaps, that would be great! :)
:: An Easter Egg from the extended TTT DVD has been discovered! Thanks to Beth and Kristie for the news! :) -- On the extended edition of the lord of the rings the two towers... I found Gollums acceptance speech from teh mtv movie awards. If you go to the of herbs and stewed rabbit scene and keep going (just like the fellowship extended) a little ring will appear and u click on it and.... thats it.
:: Transcript of Elijah, Billy and Andy on a Toronto radio station recently which was kindly typed up by Hobbit Angel! [Thanks for sending it too Brodie!]- I'm also told that the boys were (and probably still are) staying at the 'Four Seasons' hotel in Toronto.. Oops, maybe i shouldn't have said anything :p
:: New article kindly typed up and sent along by Malin from 'Newsweek' magazine :)
:: Jay Leno for people in the UK! (Thanks Cat!) -- for people who live in the UK and have SKY they can catch Jay Leno the night after it has been shown in the US ... so the show with Elijah, on the 3rd will be shown on Ftn (channel 256) on the 4th at 10pm, Orlando is on the show December 5th - US ... December 6th - UK
November 28, 2003 |
:: Anne-Marie sent me 2 screencaps of Hannah from TTT: [1] [2] - Thanks :)
:: Some info about the January Issue of Empire:
Exclusive Peter Jackson interview. Check. Exclusive photo shoot. Check. 26 cast and crew members interviewed and photographed. Check. Exclusive ROTK set visit. Hell, yes.
You can find out more about that issue here, and on the 2nd page it has this pic of Lij -- Thanks Diane and Cat!
:: Elijah has arrived in NZ! [article] -- Thanks Julie
:: Eluned sent me 3 scans from Newsweek: [1] [2] [3] -- Thanks
:: Michelle sent me this scan of the cover of a local Malaysian magazine featuring Elijah -- Thankyou so much for scanning that
:: FrodoandSam.net have an e! news clip of Elijah, Billy and Ian at neiman marcus
:: Some Lij pics i found at undone's livejournal: [1] [2]
:: Rose sent in this info for NZ fans: there is a tv3 two hr special live from the premiere on monday 1st, at 5.00 pm
:: TORn has some pics from the window unveiling here ... also, Aimee found this site with some thumbnails of Elijah, Dom and Ian ... [Thanks again Aimee]
:: Vicky scanned this pic which she brought on e-bay last year -- Thanks for sharing that :)
November 29, 2003 |
:: Just a quick lil update for now..
:: The lovely Manda sent an absolutely gorgeous picture of Elijah from the most recent Empire Magazine.. Thanx girl ;)
:: New picture of Lij with 'Gamberro' - a band from Argentina :) Thanks Rocio!
:: Transcript of Elijah, Billy and Andy on TV'S Off the Record recently..
:: From Fiona: "all i want" will be on video in Australia in video stores and for sale on the 10th of december - Yay! :)
:: And finally, From Erin: In the U.S., on December 4th, Primetime Thursday is supposed to be showing a Making of ROTK. Just check local listings for what time it'll be on.