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News Archive: December 2003



December 1, 2003

:: ROTK WORLD PREM! How exciting! :D So yeh, lots of pics and clips will be coming in [please send them along! ;)] and i'll try my best to put them onto the site as quickly as i can [please bear with me!]
:: The first pics from the rotk world prem have been posted at TORn: [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: Also... Myst very kindly scanned and sent in some **amazing** scans from the Dec issue of a magazine based in Los Angeles called Angeleno ... Find them here-- Thankyou so much Myst!
:: Some info from Sandra for German fans: This weekend, December 6th, Elijah will join a german popular TV show called "Wetten, dass..." (in english like "Betting!") Its start at 8.15pm on ZDF. -- Thanks Sandra
:: Filter magazine scans here
:: A few more pics of Elijah from Viggo's exhibition in NZ: [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: A new pic from the Nylon magazine shoot ... also Undone typed up the interview, which you can find here
:: Larger versions of those window unveiling pics i posted the other day, thanks to the BEI: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
:: Joey posted some pics up on her site of when she met Elijah on Much Music: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


December 2, 2003

:: Tis LOTR madness time again ;)
:: Monica sent along a lil article from the most recent 'Premiere' magazine :) Thanks Girl! ;)
:: TV news for German fans (Thanks Nefertiri): Saturday the 6th of December Forever Young will be shown on Premiere 5 (Pay TV) from 15.15 - 17.00 o'clock -- Monday the 15th 0.00-1.50 o'clock they will show Black and White on Pro Sieben -- Thursday the 25th 10.05-12.05 o'clock there will be Huck Finn on RTL 2 and from 14.10-15.40 they will show Flipper on ZDF and finally they will show The Faculty on 22.40-0.40 o'clock the same day
:: New picture from the NZ premiere :) Thanx Capotica!
:: From Marissa: I got a magazine called Brio and it had a little blurb with Elijah Wood. The question was:
While working on these movies, did you learn a particular life lesson that would be valuable for teens today?
You don't realize how important your friends are until you need them. During tough times when you lose perspective or have mental or emotional fatigue, those are the people who pick you up and tell you, 'It's cool. We're in this together.' Embrace those friends that you have.
:: BTW, Rocio.. Could you please email me? you know who you are ;) Thanks!!


December 4, 2003

:: Anelith kindly scanned some pictures from NZ newspapers -- The Dominian Post and The New Zealand Herald :) Thanks Girl!
:: Couple of pics from Capotica :) [Picture 1] [Picture 2]
:: Jennifer sent along her experience of the American LOTR premiere she attended! Thankyou! :)
:: From Jochen: Elijah is scheduled to appear at the German "Wetten dass...?" TV show on December 6th, 8:15PM MET. He probably will be talking about the ROTK premieres, of which one will be held in Berlin as well. Just look at www.elijah-wood.com for more details :)
:: Shai sent some good news for Kiwi fans! I work at a video shop and found out yesterday that 'All I Want' is released on DVD and VHS on 11th December for all kiwi fans of Elijah.
:: and also.. check out this news story (Just scroll down to the bottom) - hmmm, interesting.. Thanks Shai!
:: For South Africans: On 15 December there will be a showing of the making of ROTK on M-net.(For Sout Africans) PLUS TTT will be showing on 14 December, also on M-net - Thanks Hennie!


December 6, 2003

:: Justine made some caps from 'Jay Leno' [Thanks so much girl!] -- [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20][21]
:: Malin kindly typed up the transcript from Leno here :)
:: Britta sent along some pictures and her encounter from the recent Wellington ROTK premiere! Thanks!
:: New article and picture thanks to Capotica!
:: Arwen60 sent along a couple of questions from lordoftherings.com that were asked to Sean Astin about Elijah:
What was it like to be part of Frodo's quest as he nears Mount Doom?
It was an amazing thing as an actor to watch the relationship of Peter Jackson and Elijah Wood. How could Elijah, who is so sweet and has such goodness in him, communicate the idea of trying not to give in to pain and suffering and darkness and hatred and villainy and treachery? You can see it on his face, you can feel it. The audience is in for a real treat--and for a bit of pain.
Can you talk about working with Elijah?
Working with Elijah was the realization of a brotherhood chemistry, onscreen and off. It's hard to put into words how someone like that is so important to you, what they mean to you and what working with them is like.
:: From Miranda: on the 12th of december Beyond the movie: the Return of the Ring is comming on the Dutch versie of National Geographic.it is at 22.00 hours Dutch time.


December 7, 2003

:: Lots of new pics premiere related: [prem] [press conference] [Wellington Farewell] ... Thanks to Ismeril and everyone who contributed pics. Also, undone posted some great Elijah pics from an LA press conference which you can find here
:: You can download an Elijah interview here
:: Another prem clip here
:: Some more premiere caps thanks to Undone: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
:: FrodoandSam.net have lots of new clips up, including Elijah on Jay Leno!
:: Elijah was on "Wetten dass" and Nadine sent me some info about it:
He was one of the first guests (other guests were Kylie Minogue and Kelly+Ozzy) and stayed for the whole show (which lasts about 3 hours!). Every celebrity guest on the show has to bet on something and if he loses, there's always an embarassing thing for him to do. Luckily Elijah won his bet (otherwise he'd have had to learn a german christmas poem). Before the show started he gave a backstage interview and said that he'd heard a lot about the show and was very excited about it. In the main interview he basically didn't say anything new...he talked about "The Return of the King", living in New York and the fact that he smokes too much. Charming as he is, he also told Kylie and another female guest (Katharina Witt) how beautiful they looked and drank a "Glühwein" with Ozzy.
You can view a clip here [click on the link on the right] ... and here are some pics: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] -- Thanks Nadine!
:: New Frodo pic which Aimee sent me
:: There are some new magazine scans up
:: Ryan, who writes for Stanford University's arts & entertainment paper, got the chance to interview Elijah on the first day of the North American press junket. The interview won't be published until January, but he sents this snippet:

Ryan: You're doing Saturday Night Live, right?
Elijah: That's right.
Ryan: That's pretty exciting.. what kind of preparation have you done-- you've talked to them . . . ?
Elijah: I've talked to them very briefly, I've not done anything to prepare yet-- my mind is kindof being pulled left and right for all the press I'm doing for Lord of the Rings, but I start next week, next monday, and it'll basically be a full week devoted to rehearsal and the writing process and all of that for the show. So, I'll really sort of get it all kindof sussed out next week, but I'm scared shitless.
Ryan: No, I can imagine. Just watch out for, like, "Dildo Baggins" jokes or whatever
Elijah: Oh, I'm sure there's gonna be some sort of LOTR's reference.
Ryan: Do you know, who's the musical guest?
Elijah: The musical guest is Jet, which will be kind of fun.

Thanks for sending that in Ryan :)
:: Amy sends in this news:
All I Want will be released in Australia on the 10th of December! - - Thanks Amy
:: Some info from Laura: Elijah gave a gave a brief shout out to Gwenyth Paltrow on her pregnancy on ET in the US on Thursday. It was rather cute. He was said that once they were on a plane together he was too shy to talk to her but hey anyway congrats and hope the pregnancy goes well.
:: The lovely Tina sent in this link to tonnes of articles and pics regarding ROTK -- Thanks :)
:: For anyone that is interested... The infamous bucket fountain
:: Aimee sent me 2 more of the pics she took at Collectormania: [1] [2]
:: Nat also sent in some C4 pics: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


December 9, 2003

:: Check out these wicked pictures that Melissa got from the LA premiere! [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] - Thankyou to Melissa Bobbit (Cal State Fullerton's Daily Titan Newspaper for those!)
:: Another picture from 'Wetten Dass' recently! Thanks Julia :)
:: From Rachel - The new issue of Q magazine (with Justin Timberlake on the cover) on sale in the UK has an interview with Elijah on the back page.
:: And from that mag, Rebecca sent us this great scan - Thanks Girl!
:: 2 new pics from Hany -- [Pic 1] [Pic 2]
:: Some pix from 'All I Want' that i've never seen [Thanks Fiona!] [1] [2] [3]
:: News from Arwen 60! The DVD of the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC : THE RETURN OF THE KING (with an interview of Elijah) will be sold the 16th of december on amazon.com and for french fans it will be sold the 9th of december on alapage.com


December 11, 2003

:: The lovely Julia kindly typed up and translated the transcript from 'Wetten Dass' here and.. Katja sent some caps from it too! [Cap 01] [Cap 02] - Thanks so much girls :)
:: Aquila sent some amazing pictures from Collectormania! [Pic 1] [Pic 2] [Pic 3] [Pic 4]
:: New article from Capotica -- 'Gold Band Retains Magic for 'Rings' Actor'
:: New ROTK prem pix! [ROTK 1] [ROTK 2] [ROTK 3] [ROTK 4] [ROTK 5] [ROTK 6] Thanks to Justine for those!
:: BEAUTIFUL scan from the Dec edition of the French 'Cine Live' magazine! Thanks Flow!! :)
:: Mag news from Rachel: I just found a copy of the SciFi Magazine that my friend picked up. It features articles on both Elijah and Viggo, and they have a new pic of him that I've never seen (the others are caps from ROTK).
:: From another Rachel :) .. For the Dutch Elijah fans: on friday december 12 at 22.00, Yorin will be showing The Faculty! - Thanks gals!
:: Rock on People :) Enjoy the rest of your week!


December 14, 2003

:: Hello All :) Sarah (from www.elijah-online.org) sent along stacks of caps from 'Wetten Dass' - Thanks Girl :)
:: Gossip from E! Online! Thanks to Rachael, KW and Roz for the news!
:: Got sent a couple of scans from the Aussie mag 'Empire'- [Scan 1] [Scan 2]and also a scan from 'TV Hits Poster Special' magazine :) Thanks so much to those who sent em along! :):)
:: I read yesterday that The Good Son will be released on DVD on Feb 3rd. U can pre-order it at Amazon now - Thanks Arielle!
:: Jonna and Esti sent in some news! The new covers of the TV Guides have holographic images of Lord of the Rings on them. They are a set of four altogether. Frodo is on the cover of one of them and the big TV Guide issue has all the characters on the cover.
:: Apparently Elijah will be on the Conan O'Brien show on December 17th - Thanks Laura! and also.. he will be on Regis and Kelly on Wednesday the 17th @ 9am (EST) - Thanks Kristie!
:: And from Anna: Elijah and the rest of the LOTR cast will be appearing on TRL (mtv) on Tuesday December 16th
:: Vote for Elijah as Hello!'s most attractive man.. Thanks Sheila!
:: In the Dutch magazine "de Hitkrant" from this week there is a lord of the rings special (8 A4) with an interview with Lij and the ROTK movie poster!! also there is some info in the magazines "de veronica gids" and "elffantasie". Thanks Miranda!


December 15, 2003

:: Lots of SNL goodness for everyone :) You can download all of the clips from it at FrodoandSam.net thanks to the lovely Celeste, who all of us deprived from SNL must worship. Also, Undone made heaps of caps from it, so check them out while you're waiting for the clips to download :)
:: Upcoming Elijah appearances:
December 17th: 'Good Morning America' ABC (7:00AM)
December 17th: 'Live! with Regis & Kelly' ABC (10:00AM)
December 17th: 'Late Night with Conan O'Brien' NBC (12:35AM)
December 18th: 'The Early Show' CBS (7:00AM)
:: Some new Knicks game pics up at the BEI: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] -- Thanks of course to Shawna
:: Sarah met Elijah at the Four Seasons Toronto and managed to get his autograph - lucky girl! :)
:: Hobbit mention in Ted Casablanca's The Awful Truth -- Thanks Roz
:: An Elijah interview -- Thanks Mandi
:: Don't know if this has been posted already, but anyway, he's another article which Cassie sent me. [Thanks!]
:: Niége sent me this pic of Frodo.
:: Lots of Collectormania pics here -- Thanks Tasha


December 17, 2003

:: BEI has some great pics from a special ROTK screening in NY ... find them here
:: Elijah article
:: Some news from TORn: On Tuesday December 16 Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, and Andy Serkis will be featured sometime in between YTV's primetime t.v. shows, talking to the hosts. I think its called the Zone, so any Canadian fans will hopefully catch this feature. -- It's still the 16th in Canada I believe
:: Bex sends in this info for ppl in NZ: On C4 (channel 4) this week a special LOTR hijack on Wednesday and Friday will be shown - with Elijah, Andy, Richard Taylor and John Rhys-Davies. Also on Wednesday at 8:30 the coverage of ROTK premiere is showing (behind browns ring) -- Thanks
:: Some TV info from Vik: Elijah's appearance on Conan OBrien [December 18th at 12:35 AM on NBC] will be repeated on Comedy Central at 6:00 PM on December 18th, as well on December 19th at noon.
Also, E! Entertainment TV is showing a Behind the Scenes about ROTK on December 18 at 5:30PM, December 19 at 7:30AM, 3:30PM, December 21 at 3:00AM and 7:30AM, and December 22 at 3:30AM.
Starz has tons of different appearances, so if you have that, you're in luck! There's an "On the Set" special about the making of LOTR: The Return of the King, and another special about the making of The Two Towers, on about 20-30 times between now and December 21.

Thanks Vik
:: Just a note about the comments -- it's great that so many people comment, but please don't post comments with long strings of characters with no spaces e.g. hhhhhheeeeellllllooooo.... not only is it annoying, but it stuffs up the window. Thanks :)
:: Also... please be conscious of the fact that some people [like me] won't get to see ROTK until the 26th and beyond, so please don't post spoilers in the comments, and if you post them on the forum, please specify that there are spoilers in the title. Also, please don't e-mail me with any spoilers, it happens every year and i want to be surprised with what PJ has done with ROTK :) Hope everyone enjoys the movie!


December 18, 2003

:: Pics of Elijah's latest appearance on TRL up here [towards the bottom] -- Found on Hobbsy's lj ... stalking ljs really does pay off ;)
:: Here's a link to an Elijah interview -- just click up the top where it says Interviews
:: New pic from Kwiete
:: Some great new pics from Justine: [1] [2] [3] [4] -- Thanks :D
:: The lovely Mary had a very busy week in NYC this week... getting to see and talk with Elijah 3 times!...
- The first picture is from Thursday 12.11.03 when my friend Mel and I were at NBC Studios hanging out and saw him leaving SNL rehearsals... We ended up talking to him for a few minutes about the show and what not.
- The second one is from Friday night (Saturday morning) at 1am in NBC Studios... We were camping out for tickets to see him on SNL (we got in!) and he took pix with some of us :)
- And the third one is from Regis & Kelly this morning (12.17.03)... It was pouring, hence I am soaked.

Thanks so much for sharing those


December 19, 2003

:: I was privileged enough to score some free tix to a premiere of ROTK here (unfortunately no actors were present ;)) but wow! what a fantastic movie! I'm sure none of you will be disappointed.. enjoy! :)
:: Some very kind people have sent Lucy and I some awards :) An award from Miris and a lovely christmas sign to get us into the chrissie mood ;)
:: Nice scan from the Swedish magazine 'Frida' - Thanx Jennifer!
:: Everything you need to know about ROTK is right here! Thanks to Rachael for the link!
:: Some mag news from Sarah: I picked up a couple copies of "Movie Magic" magazine ( i think they are like special editions of Life or something and there are AMAZING articles on LOTR and awesome pics of Elijah and the rest of the cast...a definite 5 stars!!
:: Apparently Billy and Elijah are hosting some special on MTV! Maureen kindly sent the times in which this show will be airing in the US :) Lord Of The Rings Hobbit SP A half hour Hobbit special to promote The Lord Of The Rings. Hosted by Elijah Wood & Billy Boyd. Mon 12/15 1:30 PM -- Tue 12/16 7:30 AM -- Thu 12/18 3:00 AM -- Thu 12/18 9:30 PM -- Fri 12/19 8:00 AM -- Sun 12/21 4:00 AM
:: A lil snipet from a Canadian magazine - Thanks KW: NO LUCK WITH THE LADIES - Elijah Wood claims that being famous hasn't improved his love life. The 'Lord of the Rings' actor has confessed that his luck with women hasn't improved since he starred in the epic trilogy. He revealed: "People always tell me, ' You're a good looking guy - and you're famous.' Some guy said to me the other day, 'I bet they're in line around the block,' I wish. If only it was that simple. It's not been the easiest of times, despite all the movies and fleeting fame."
:: Check out this site for a bunch of interviews with the LOTR cast! Thanks Rach!


December 19, 2003

:: New pics of Elijah at the NZ Film Honours
:: I got like 20 e-mails about this so i'd better post it... Elijah Wood, who plays Frodo in the "Lord of the Rings" movie trilogy, will reign as king of a Mardi Gras parade in February ... More Info ... and then some -- Thanks to everyone who sent along info about that.
:: New picture from Mandy
:: Hobbsy started a petition to get Elijah nominated for Best Actor in this year's Academy Awards... show your support here -- Thanks for letting us know about the petition :)
:: Another article from Jessie


December 21, 2003

:: If i don't update before then.. I hope every one of you has a fantastic christmas :) may it be filled with Elijah goodness ;)
:: I came across this article: 'Elijah Wood Braces For Rings Blues'
:: Another new article -- Thanks Katie :)
:: Susi sent along this wicked news! Elijah has won the German Bravo 'Otto' award for Lord of the rings!!! he was really happy and said he would put his 'Otto' near his LotR books!!! - hehe, cute :)
:: Pum sent us some scans from the Thai magazine 'Flick'- Thanx :) [Scan 1] [Scan 2] [Scan 3]
:: Arwen60 sent along this lil snippet from a recent interview with the French mag 'Télé7Jours':
"What do you answer to Billy Boyd and Sean Astin (your Hobbits friends) who call you Eyed-Man ?"
"I'm proud of it. It's because of my eyes that I had the role. But in my life, it's sometimes annoying because they reveal my thoughts".
:: Awwwww! Check out this new baby picture - Thanks Jetmira :):)
:: Something else from Arwen60: The trailer for 'Sunshine' can be seen here


December 22, 2003

:: Hehe, guess i have had time to update before christmas ;) 3 sleeps to go!!!!!!
:: A really nice article sent along by Tara :) '7 Things We Love About Elijah Wood'
:: Quick lil interview from a German mag! Thanx for the translation Krista :)
DZ: Elijah, it's good to have you with us!
EW: Thank you. It's good to be here.
DZ: So the third installment of LOTR is approaching. How does that feel?
EW: It's great! I'm excited to have it out and see what people will think of it. It's also a bit sad because of the separation. It's all over now.
DZ: Will you not see everyone?
EW: Oh I'm sure we'll continue to see eachother. We've made life long friends making the movies and there's a bond there.
DZ: Many of our readers love you in the trilogy!
EW: Well, thank you! That's really flattering and wonderful!
DZ: You're single?
EW: Yeah
DZ: How is that going for you now that you've gained so much fame?
EW: -the mag says he laughs here- It's all pretty much the same as it was before. I've not had much luck with it. I'm still looking.
DZ: Even after everything?
EW: Oh yeah. Fame doesn't score you extra points with the women that count. I wouldn't want to date a woman who only wanted to be with me because of my fame.
DZ: What kind of girl do you want?
EW: I'd really enjoy a woman that has her own goals and aspirations. I really like women who are driven. It's inspiring!
DZ: Did you like working with Liv?
EW: Oh yes! She's quite good and very lovely. I really enjoyed it. She's amazing as Arwen. Everyone is amazing in the film!
DZ: Thank you for your time Elijah!
EW: Thank you!
:: Couple of things from TORn ;) interview from 'People' mag and.. an interview from the German 'Focus' :) and.. the transcript from 'Good Morning America'..

December 26, 2003

:: Hope you all had a lovely christmas! I know i sure did :)
:: A cute lil article sent along by Rachael :)
:: I don't know if this is new news or not..but a new Elijah book is being released in January 2004.. check out this site for more info.. Thanx PrpLStArGiRL!
:: Capotica sent along some pretty cool stuff - Thanks! -- Lovely new article and from the BEI, a new 'Hooligans' teaser poster
:: Check out this site to see a clip of Elijah and others from LOTR :) (I think they might be clips from ROTK.. i'm not that sure though) Thanks alot Susi!

December 27, 2003

:: Hope you all enjoyed X-Mas and ROTK [for us Aussies :D] cause i bloody loved it!!!
:: Fantastic magazine scan -- thanks undone
:: Catherine over at Empire Magazine online sent me this link to some fabulous ROTK photoshoot outtakes -- Thanks :)
:: Misc screencaps: [1] [2] [3]
:: Some Santa pics of Elijah: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] -- Thanks Aimee
:: Don't know if this was posted, but anyway... a scan from the BEI from Entertainment Weekly
:: LaWise kindly provided us with a translation of Elijah's appearance on Wetten Dass...?, also here is a translation of an interview in German Focus Magazine -- Thankyou so much :D
:: An interview -- Thanks Brolly
:: A site with more info about Elijah's upcoming film ESOTSM [Don't make me type it all out! :P] -- Thanks Chloe
:: A sketch of what Elijah's Bacchus parade float will look like -- Thanks Sherry
:: Elendriel sends along a pic she took at the Symphony in Wellington -- Thanks for sharing that :)


December 29, 2003

:: Hehe, cute picture of lij getting into makeup for filming :) Thanx for sending it along Capotica!
:: Carrie sent in a scan from the UK 'Bliss' magazine - Thanks Girl! :)
:: For fans in Toronto: Just let Torontonian fans that the movie Ice Storm will be aired on Friday, Jan 2 on CityTv. -Thanks Sheila!
:: For fans in Malaysia: HBO is going to show FOTR this December 31st, 9 pm Malaysian time. - Thanks Yorsh!
:: The lovely Monica typed up a recent interview with 'Alternative Press (AP)' magazine -- check it out here - Thanx! :)
:: Capotica sent along this article..

December 30, 2003

:: Even though you've probably seen them a thousand times, check out these pics of Elijah in Paula Abduls video - 'Forever My Girl' - what a cute lil guy :) Thanx Monica!
:: Also from Monica, a few TV appearances in the US:
The Tonight Show (Thursday, January 1) 11:30 pm on NBC
On The Set Of The Two Towers (Friday, January 23) 11:05 pm on STARZ 2 AND (Saturday, January 24) 3:05 pm on STARZ 2
Ellen DeGeneres Show (Tuesday, January 13) 11:00 pm on Oxygen (OXGN)
:: Bex sent along some great pics she got from the Wellington premiere! Thanx girl :) [Pic 1] [Pic 2]
:: Pics of Elijah receiving his 'Bravo - Otto' award :) Thanks Heidson!
:: Caroline sends this: I recorded Lij on Conan, but did not realise a connection had come loose and I only got picture without sound. Does anyone have a recording of this - I am desperate? In return, I have lots of stuff recorded on video from TV - maybe someone else is missing something.... -- Email her at cmogde@talk21.com if you can help her!
:: Have a great New Year everyone and thanks for all the great support with the site over the past year! We love you all :)


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