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News Archive: February 2004
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February 2, 2004 |
:: Looks like the site is back up :) Let's hope it stays up.
:: Patsie posted some great Elijah pictures:
[10] [BTW, her Dom site L&BA is back up!]
:: Undone found a cool new Elijah interview and took some caps:
:: Apparantly Elijah was in a Superbowl Commercial for MTV too.
:: Penny sent me this link which has some clips from ROTK :)
:: Emily sent me a pic of a fantastic lotr cake some kids at her school made. Check it out
February 4, 2004 |
:: Hobbit Angel sent along a few lil tidbits! A comment from '24' magazine: "I thought it was hilarious! It was great for a laugh," said Elijah Wood regarding Britney Spears' short-lived wedding. and... Elijah was chosen as best dressed male at the Golden Globe Awards on E Talk Daily!!! - Quoted from Tanya Kim, one of the hosts of the show: " Elijah is the only person we know who can wear green velvet and still look hot!" -- Damn Straight :D
:: For fans from Italy.. Frances sends this!: I'd like to announce that in Italy on 10th February "All I want" will be release on dvd, under the title "Tutto quello che voglio". You can pre-order it at www.dvd-store.it
:: I dunno if this is new or not.. but if you scroll down on this page, you can check out an interview with Elijah - Thanks Capotica!!
:: Emily sent in her Elijah encounter when she met him last June.. Check out the pic she got and her encounter:
My name is Emily and I had an Elijah encounter in NYC this past June. I was with a large group of friends when he passed us on the street. I was like, whoa was that????? We ran up to him at a street corner while he was trying to catch a cab. At first I was scared to tap him. I was like "Um, Elijah?" and he turns around eating this huge cookie. "Oh, hold on" he says, and turns around, cramming it into his mouth. I asked if we could have a picture and he very politely said sure, even though it was obvious he was in a hurry. I jumped right in next to him, handed someone a camera and there it was! As I was walking away, it occurred to me that I didn't even get an autograph! I ran back and grabbed the trip itinerary out of my purse. It was the only thing I had on hand. I asked him quickly if I can have an autograph. He again obliged, and asked me my name. "Emily" I said, shaking with excitement! He asked me where I was from. "Houston," I blurted. "Shit! Houston! There you go." I thanked him and ran away in total happiness. "We just met Frodo!" was all we could talk about as we rode the elevator up the Empire State Building. The autograph read "Emily, much love, Elijah Wood" :):)
:: It's cake madness lol :p -- Check out this pic of a cake Caldir had for her 16th birthday lat year - how cool!!
:: And lucky last.. Jessica sent this along [BTW, if you can somehow get caps of this - pleeeease send em along ;)] -- I was watching my son play his Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King video game and he found that on there is video of Dom, Elijah & Billy talking about each other's abilities (or lack thereof) regarding video game playing. As always they are hilarious to watch.
February 5, 2004 |
:: Will sent in some pictures of Elijah backstage with David Bowie at his concert in LA: [1] [2] [3] -- Thanks Will
:: Pum sent in some great scans of an interview with Ms. Fon [Pippin's scale double in LOTR]. I'll just post all of them because they're really cute photos. [scan 1] [scan 2] [scan 3] [scan 4] In the interview she talked about her friendship with the members of the cast - especially Billy who she says "treated her like a sister". She had Thai Dinners at her house with Billy, Dom and Viggo who she says she was especially fond of and later on Elijah and Orlando began to join in the "party". Aparantly when Dom, Billy and Orli went to Thailand she acted as their guide too. Thankyou so much Pum for the scans and the info.
:: Chloé sent in 2 pics which i haven't seen before: [1] [2]
February 9, 2004 |
:: I have some really cool site news ... A&F has been given red carpet access to this year's TORn Oscar party! You can read about it here and suggest any questions you may like Elijah to answer [and be creative yet sensible -- no "is he single" etc.]
:: Lots of pics today ... Will sent in some pics from the American Cinemateque Special Screening of "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" -- Also thanks to Aimee and Mel ;)
:: Will and Chloé also sent heaps of pics from the Directors Guild of America awards which Elijah attended [Peter Jackson won btw! :D]
:: Patsie found this great Elijah picture
:: Cybie sent me lots of screencaps from Elijah's appearance on a Japanese tv show Can you speak English?". Also, here is a site with lots of other [smaller] pics and info about the appearance. Thankyou so much Cybie for all of those pictures ;)
:: Justine sent me some great SNL pictures: [1] [2] [3]
:: 3 great new pictures from the BEI: [1] [2]
February 10, 2004 |
:: Hey Guys! :)
:: Aileen sends along this: I have just seen a short interview of Elijah Wood on the WOWOW Channel of Japan. It is in a segment called “Cinema Voice”. Dom and Bill also commented on Elijah’s big blue eyes (very funny). WOWOW Japan is going to show “The Two Towers” tom. February 8, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (Japan time). <-- ok, so that's prolly old news now :p but anyway, check out the interview here :)
:: Hobbit Angel also sends along this interview from 'Flare' magazine :)
:: Go vote for Elijah in Aussie Dolly magazines 'Shrine Rating' - i think we'd all know the answer to this one ;) Thanx for the link Sam!
:: Molly sent along the cover to 'Japan Walker' magazine :)
:: Diana just pointed out this picture to me and well, it just expresses so much emotion lol.. so sweet :) Thanks Diana!!
:: Michele sent me the transcript to some of Elijah's sketches on SNL :) Thanks Girl!
February 11, 2004 |
:: Will sent in heaps more pictures of Elijah at that special TTT screening [here] -- Thanks again Will
:: Cybie let me know that Elijah is on the cover of a Japanese magazine "Tokyo Walker". You can see a small version here. Apparantly the magazine has 5 pages talking about LOTR and 1 about Elijah. Thanks as always Cybie :)
:: Asfaloth took some pictures of Elijah at the Directors Guild Awards which you can see at lordofthefans.net -- thanks for sharing those.
:: Angela let me know about the "Into the West" Oscar party which is being organised by lotr fans from lots of sites e.g. War of the Ring, Ringbearer.org. Here is some info about it:
Into the West is a Lord of the Rings themed party that will take place on February 29, 2004 in Hollywood, California, at the lovely and historic Hollywood Athletic Club, conveniently located at 6525 Sunset Boulevard, just blocks from the Oscar Ceremonies.
For more info visit their website: Intothewest.net
February 16, 2004 |
:: I don't know whether we're back or not, but i'm hopeful :) It's just server problems so it should be fixed soon. Thanks so much to Jochen for working so hard to get the site back up and running *hugs*
:: A new ROTK poster is available which shows Sam carrying Frodo up Mount Doom! You can see it here
-- Thanks Aimee and Julia
:: Emily met Elijah in CA on the day of the rehersals with the golden globes and she sent in this lovely photo of them together.
:: BEI posted an outtake from the Premiere magazine shoot.
:: Annie at Elijahfan found some great Elijah pics: [1]
[7] -- Thanks Chloé for removing the watermark from the 4th one :)
February 17, 2004 |
:: Jessica sent along some more pics from the 'Directors Guild Awards' - Thanks! [Pic 1] [Pic 2]
:: Jessica also sent the news that The 10th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards® will be broadcast on TNT from the Los Angeles Shrine Exposition Center on Sunday, February 22, 2004 at 8 p.m. EST/PST, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. (USA) - No confirmation that Elijah will be there, but we're hoping! :)
:: The lovely Serai sent some gorgeous pics in! [Pic 1] [Pic 2]
:: Capotica sent along this article.. new article but old news :)
:: Arwen60 sent along a few lil article snippets, so i'll post little bits of em that relate to Lij.. This article was about Viggo's CD: Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan have all contributed to the experimental music CD. On one of the songs, Elijah Wood emulates squirrel noises and.. this article was talkin bout 'King Kong' - Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis have all been secretly contacted by Peter Jackson to participate to this new adventure… - oooooo :D
February 21, 2004 |
:: On this site, you can check out an interview with Elijah and other cast members about ROTK and their LOTR memories :) Thanks for the link Laura!
:: From TORn: An article bout an award Elijah is nominated for ;)
:: The lovely Hobbit Angel sent along a few things: Interesting article from the TORn forum and What to expect from the ROTK EE DVD :)
:: Kat says: Ash Wednesday is available on DVD in Region2/PAL now. You can buy it in Holland.
:: Never seen this pic before.. Thanx Jamie! :)
:: Samone sent this.. anyone with a scan, pleeeease send it along! :) I just picked up the March issue of Cosmo (USA) and on page 74 there is a picture of Elijah at a party with Hanson.
February 22, 2004 |
:: Ok, well everyone has been complaining about the site being down on and off for a while now ... here is your chance to help. Jochen Weber owns ejwsites.net and currently hosts A+F along with other great Elijah sites such as EWFN and Geeked. You may not know this but it costs him *a lot* of money to maintain the server so that you guys can view our sites and get up to date Elijah information. Jochen has decided to set up a Paypal account so that anyone who wishes to contribute to the maintenance of the site financially can do so with ease. You are in no way required to, so please don't feel pressured to, but if you do i can assure you that 100% of the funds will go to funding ejwsites.net and will not go to any of us personally. For more info or to donate some money, go here. As always, thanks for your continued support.
:: Elijah's really popular in Japan at the moment... Cybie posted lots of magazine covers on the forum: [1] [2] [3] -- If anyone can scan larger versions of these pics *please* send them along :)
:: Mary sent me an article from the latest issue of People
:: Elijah [pronounced Ee-lie-yah - and no, not that one :P] sent along a scan of Elijah and Taylor from Hanson -- credit goes to taylorhanson.org [although the site seems to be down right now]
:: Carla and Amanda let me know about this Elijah encounter in New Orleans -- poor Elijah, he doesn't seem too happy there.
:: Pum sent me a link to this site which has some pictures of when some of the cast of ROTK appeared on a program in Japan -- the pics are in a slideshow thing on the left side.
:: And thanks Capotica for this link with an article and a new[ish] pic
February 24, 2004 |
:: Lots of pics from the Bacchus Mardi Gras parade are up here -- Thanks Will. Also there are lots of great pictures [thumbnails :(] here. And finally, BEI has some pics up here
:: Diana sent in a scan of Elijah from the german magazine Yam!
:: A fan [who didn't want her name published] scanned this picture from a Japanese magazine called MOE
:: I'm going away for a lil while [won't be back until Friday], so if you send an e-mail and it gets sent back it means that my inbox is blocked -- please try resending it on Saturday or something ;)
February 25, 2004 |
:: Laura sent along this little tidbit: Elijah Wood plunked down a sale-price $85 for a new hat at a NY department store, but as soon as he stepped outside a gust of wind blew it off his head right into a gutter clogged with wet gunk. Scratch that hat -- the young actor just went back and blew $85 more on another dome-warmer!
:: Calen sent some caps from when Elijah was on SNL - Thanks! :) [Cap 01] and [Cap 02]
:: For those in the US, wanna win tix to an advanced screening of 'Sunshine'? Then check out this site for more details :) Thanks Diana!
:: Heather was lucky enough to meet Elijah the other day! Check out the pic she got :)
February 27, 2004 |
:: Ok, so i'm back and all refreshed and can't be bothered searching for more Mardi Gras pics, so just go over to the BEI -- Thanks so much to Shawna for spending god knows how many hours putting that all together
:: I have some great scans from a Japanese magazine called SCREEN: [1] [2] [3] [4] [Thanks M. ;)]
:: Kinnda kindly translated this article from a few months back. I've put it up here -- you've already read an excerpt from it though ;)
:: Ok, so my inbox is cleared out so feel free to send me some more Elijah goodness
February 28, 2004 |
:: Ages ago i posted a link to vote in the 'AOL Moviegoers Awards', well.. thanks to all your fabulous voting, LOTR snagged Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Sean Astin) and Most Unforgettable Moment (Eowyn Battles the Witch King) - Thanks to Capotica for the link!
:: From TORn: A report from the Mardi Gras..
:: Vanya found this lil tidbit :) I found out from a NZ doco that Elijah liked to start the day with blueberry pancakes while shooting LOTR. That was from the guy who did the catering. - Mmmmm :)
:: Sir Ian McKellen quoted this on Elijah recently in regards to not being nominated for an Oscar :) Sweet! -- "Elijah Wood's performance I think is beautifully judged, and..and considering his youth and the responsibility that he was carrying on very young shoulders, it's not unfair but it's odd that he hasn't picked up...but perhaps you can't easily picked them up, we get so involved in the story" - Thanks Aileen!
:: A very lovely new pic from Nancy :)
:: Ooooo, new 'Sunshine' poster thanks to Marie! Doesnt have Elijah on it but it's still funky!! ;)
February 28, 2004 |
:: Lots of pictures thanks to Will...
:: Celebration of New Zealand Filmmaking and Creative Talent pics
:: 2004 Independent Spirit Awards pics
:: Some new Mardi Gras pics