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News Archive: January 2005



January 5, 2005

:: HAPPY NEW YEAR fellows! A&F wishes you all the best for 2005 and -obviously- a lot of great stuff concerning Elijah. ;) I hope lots of you will meet him sometime this year. :)
:: I actually have got a new picture but I don't know if I am allowed to post it yet. I have to wait for a "yes". It's a new one from the Tjeck magazine that I haven't seen before. It's worth waiting for. *tickles you all* Excited? :D
:: Until then I want you to vote here like you've never voted before. ;) We all know Elijah is ways sexier than Orlando. Isn't he? Yes he is..so. VOTE! :D
:: I hope to see you laters with an update. Stay tuned.
:: Edit: I figured the pictures from the last post are tiny in comparision with those I have got. Bigger versions of the shopping pictures below can be found here: [One] [Two], [Three], [Four], [Five], [Six], [Seven], [Eight], [Nine], [Ten]
Better, right? :)
:: Edit #2: I got the yes. So HERE is the pic. I hope I made you happy! \o/ Credit goes to mus_00. Thanks! :D


January 6, 2005

Hey everyone! Aimee and Christina let me know that A&F has been nominated in The One Ring Awards! Please show your support for the site by voting for us in question 6, and vote for Elijah's performance in ESOTSM for question 3 as soon as possible. The winners will be announced at the One Ring Award Ceremony on January 15th from The One Ring Celebration in Pasadena CA (which Elijah will be attending!). Thanks to everyone who got us nominated, it's a great honour :)

EDIT: The voting period is over. Thanks to all who supported Elijah and A&F :)


January 10, 2005

:: Wow, thank y'all so much for nominating and voting for us. It's such a big honour. I can tell you Lucy and me are incredibly hyper. ;) I don't know what we'll do if we win. Probably die or something like that! Wish us luck, please. I hope you all voted a billion times, because I, for sure, did. ;)
:: In other good news, Annie found some newish old pictures. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
You can find more of what she found here. Thanks a lot. By the way, my favourite is the 2nd. Hehe. ♥
:: Margie sent in a funky Elijah pic holding his surfboard. Yepp. Here.
:: That's it for now.
:: Btw, yeah, it was Lucy's birthday. I know it's late..but: HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!ALL THE BEST, MY LOVE.
I already made her a bday sign..so don't think I didn't do anything for her. :P <3


January 12, 2005

:: Just a tiny update to keep you entertained. Saturday comes closer and closer.

Thanks a lot, Bunnie for posting the picture. ♥.
:: Lots of love.


January 16, 2005

:: Well the ORC celebrations are well under way! To anyone who went, please send in any photos of Elijah you managed to take and/or a recount of your experiences at ORC... We'd all love any news and photos you can send in ;) Feel free to e-mail them to either myself or Sarah and we'll post em up

:: Deenan (OLC) let me know that there is an article in this week's Entertainment Weekly (# 802 Januray 21, 2005) reviewing Elijah's upcoming movie "Everything is Illuminated". She sent in the scan to the right as well as this little snippet from the article:
"Elijah's completely game for anything," marvels Everything is Illuminated director Liev Schreiber, referring to The Lord of the Rings' Elijah Wood, who plays an American looking for a Ukrainian woman who may have saved his grandfather from the Nazis. "We put these incredibly thick glasses on him, so he was walking into walls. Then we had to create these contact lenes for him that evened out his vision so he could see through the glasses. He never complained once. I was very impressed."
:: Also, a special 2-Disc Collector's Edition of ESOTSM has been released at amazon.com

:: First photos of Elijah at ORC are up here (thanks to voodoo_in_tx)
:: Brinsely typed up a short recount of the Saturday ORC talks with Billy, Sean and Elijah here
:: A little recount from Fuzzy Bunny:
At the end of the Elijah/Sean Q&A session, Elijah was saying their time was up and that he was sorry they did not get to answer any more questions, etc. Suddenly, there was a little girl who started crying. She was very young, i dont know much about kids but i think maybe she was around 4 or 5 tops. I dont know if it was established why she was crying...maybe she wanted to talk to Frodo, who knows? In any case, Elijah was immediately moved. His face filled with concern and he said, "Oh no, a crying child, we cant have that." he proceeded to the edge of the stage toward the woman who was holding the little girl. His lower lip got pouty and his brow furrowed. He crouched down and held out his arms. He took the little girl into his arms and held her to him for what seemed like forever, maybe 15 seconds or so? It looked to me that he was whispering into her ear. The audience melted, flash bulbs went off like crazy, people stood up to get a better look. Of course, she had stopped crying by now...he gently gave the child back to the woman. Aww how sweet :)


January 16, 2005

:: All I want to say is:


I just fell out of bed..read Bunnie's email which said: "You won, babes!" And now I feel numb. Now I want pictures.

[Edit from Lucy: Yay! :) Thanks to all of the A&F fans who voted for us *hugs*]
Edit from Sarah Since Bunnie wasn't able to hold the speech,hehe, I thought it would be neat to post it here. :D

Lucy and Sarah would have loved to have been here themselves to accept this spiffy award. They'd like to thank:
All of the loyal visitors of A&F- for their ongoing support over the past 3 years - It is truly overwhelming and we thank you all dearly for your dedication, and for voting like crazy for us!
Jochen Webber - without whom A&F would not exist. Thank you for so selflessly dedicating so much time and energy to supporting Elijah sites without asking for anything in return. You're an absolute legend for putting up with us.
Autumn - for stepping in as a friend and helping Lucy with the site for as long as she did. She is truly missed at A&F.
All of the A&F message board moderators and admins - thanks for creating such a friendly atmosphere and bringing together thousands of Elijah fans from around the world.
And finally, Elijah Wood himself, for being exactly the man he has become. We're all so proud of you and wish you all the best for the future.
It's truly an honour to accept this award on behalf of everyone who supports A&F, and we hope it'll still be around in the years to come.
Thanks everyone... you guys rock! <3


January 18, 2005

:: More ORC goodness:
I added heaps more photos here (now on 2 pages)... Thanks to Capotica, Rosamunde Brownlocks, beizy, abandonada, Shawn, saranet [If i forgot to credit, just let me know]
TORn's report of the Saturday ORC events - including the ORC Awards ;)
primula_baggins' report of the Sean and Elijah panel
:: An EII scan from the LA Times - Thanks to undone!


January 22, 2005

:: A new photo from Patsie of Elijah at the premiere of On a Clear Day at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
:: Thanks to everyone who has been sending in ORC stuff:
- Aubrey sent in her photo of Elijah and herself :)
- Sandy also sent in her photo with Elijah as well as these two photos
- Tiffany sent in her photo op as well :)
- Bruce-hopkins.com has a few gorgeous Elijah photos up here (Thanks Bunnie)
- Pollok-photographs.com has heaps of gorgeous ORC photos up (Thanks Aimee)
:: Carina typed up and translated an old Elijah interview from the german magazine HIT! in which Elijah talks about Flipper among other things. You can read it at her livejournal


January 24, 2005

:: Photos of Elijah at Sundance thanks to Tina:

:: Tina also posted photos of Elijah from the Gibson jam session at the Gibson Lounge in Park City, Utah:

:: Ryan sent in a photo of his friend Vicky with Elijah


January 25, 2005

:: Tina posted heaps more photos of Elijah out and about at Sundance: Page 1 // Page 2

EDIT: Added some more photos from a photoshoot up here (Thanks again to Tina)


January 28, 2005

:: HAPPY 24TH BIRTHDAY ELIJAH from all of us at A&F

I hope this year brings you lots of joy both in your professional, and social life. A&F visitors can leave their birthday wishes in the comment box :)

:: The lovely Lith e-mailed me today to share her ORC experience with Elijah. She actually had an award made to present to Elijah in order to acknowledge his remarkable performace as Frodo in LOTR. Along with this award she also wrote a special card for Elijah:
“Thrilled though fans were to see Lord of the Rings so honored at the 2004 Academy Awards ceremony, it was still a blow to have the cast remain so unrecognized by their peers for such incredible work. And for those of us who have known and loved Frodo for decades, and who adore your performance as our Ringbearer, it was heartbreaking to see that you were not more rewarded. It reminded me so strongly of Frodo’s own less than open-armed reception by the Shire - his sacrifice overlooked, his greatness unremarked upon. Without Frodo, the Quest would have failed, and without a spot-on Frodo as you portrayed him, the films would have done so as well. Please accept the inaugural Frodo Award for Outstanding Overlooked Performance, which I present to you on behalf of those of us who have become your loyal fans over the past three years, because you have brought to life one whom we hold very dear. We will forever be grateful to you for giving us Frodo. Thank you, Elijah.”
She presented it to him at her photo op - He certainly looks happy to have received it. I thought that was an absolutely fantastic gift, as I know that Elijah fans would agree with what Lith wrote in her card.
:: Christi also met Elijah at ORC and got her photo taken with him - He's holding the rose she gave him :)


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