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News Archive: March 2005



March 11, 2005

:: I know, I know, I've been lazy :P Thanks to everyone who's been sending in news though, I really appreciate it.
:: The new Sin City trailer can be viewed here
:: Bunnie posted a still from EII: [view]
:: Josie sent in this scan which talks about possible 2006 Oscar Nominees, and Elijah's film Everything is Illuminated is mentioned.
:: Vicky sent in 2 Elijah scans from the magazine "Por Ti": [1] [2] ... anyone know if there is anything new written?
:: Faiza let me know that according to FilmJerk, Happy Feet will be released on 17 November 2006
:: Looks like Elijah is going to get the chance to be imortalized as Kevin, his character in Sin City, in action figure form :) You can read the news article here -- Thanks to John for that news
:: AICN has an early review of Hooligans with spoilers included -- Thanks Deenan, Geri and Lea :)


March 13, 2005

:: Surprisingly Elijah is attending the SXSW Festival. Kuri, who is as lucky as to be there met him at a party where he DJed. Yeah, he DJed. :D I am sure you want pictures!? So..follow me:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
:: That's all for now. Have a nice week.


March 16, 2005

:: Here's a clip of an interview with Elijah at the SXSW film festival [Look under WATCH THE VIDEO]
:: Some information about the Sin City Premiere in Los Angeles thanks to primula_baggins:
Miramax's "Sin City"
Monday, March 28, 2005 - time TBA
(arrivals are likely to start between 5 PM and 6:30 PM)
at Mann's National Theatre 10925 Lindbrook, in Westwood
:: Shawna (Beyond-Blue.net) posted this photo which she took of Elijah and Dom at the Shooting Livien premiere
:: Texas Tactical sent along some pictures she took of Elijah at the Hooligans premiere: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
:: Hooligans won the Narrative Feature Audience Prize and the Narrative Jury Prize at the SXSW Film Festival [...more] - Thanks Undone
:: A short article + photo of Elijah DJing
:: And finally, here is a photo of that was up at the SXSW site - Thanks Priscilla for letting me know

::[Edit by Sarah]: Bunnie posted a link to a very cool interview with Elijah about Hooligans here. Click here for the picture.
:: Other than that Elijah will be on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Wednesday March 23rd. He will probably talk about Sin City.


March 18, 2005

:: The Everything is Illuminated Poster (Thanks to Bunnie):

:: A larger version of the Elijah picture Sarah posted on Wednesday thanks to Tina
:: Here's a fantastic Yahoo!Movies 11 minute Sin City featurette. It features all of the relevant characters, including Kevin (Elijah's character) and Elijah comments on being in the movie as well - Thanks Shelina. Beyond-Blue has some screen caps from this feature up here
:: Official EII site is up - Thanks Brooke and Hannah
:: A cool snippet from a Sin City Review [Thanks John]:
...and wood? i'm gonna say the least about him and leave it as a surprise for you to discover. all i'll say is that frodo baggins is dead, with this one performance, and wood IS simply terrifying and disturbing as kevin. hell, people in the audience were so unnerrved by him that they gasped EVERY TIME he came on screen. [more]
:: An Elijah article is up here at Yahoo!News - Thanks Em
:: Also, A&F is SOTM up at Blue - Thanks Chloe :)


March 25, 2005

:: An extra long update for you all today :) 1st off, you can download Elijah's appearance on Ellen from TheOneRing.net. If for some reason you can't view it, try downloading DivX. In case any of you were wanting to know, the making of Sin City book Elijah mentions can be ordered from amazon.com.
:: TORn has also posted some information about the Ringers documentary being shown at an exclusive engagement with the 2005 Newport Beach Film Festival on April 23, 2005 [more]
:: Cheriedreams and her friends met Elijah at a bar called Maggie Mae's on 6th street in Austin. She's allowed me to share her photos with you all ... [1] [2] [3] - Thanks Cheriedreams and Kara :)
:: Concertina from the messageboard also managed to meet Elijah briefly in Austen. You can read about her encounter and see the photo of her with Elijah
:: Some recent photos of Elijah thanks to Undone: [1] [2]
:: A small bit about Elijah: Gothamist Does Austin: Part 2 // Larger photo -- Thanks again to undone as well as Faiza
:: A lot of people have been e-mailing me wondering about Sin City release dates in different countries. This information is available from IMDb
:: J sent in this photo of Elijah eating at a popular Mexican restaurant in Austin Texas (Guerro’s) at SXSW last Friday EDIT: I posted up the bigger version, and no I don't know who the girl is.
:: Some goodies thanks to John:
- About Sin City: Next – let’s talk Elijah “mean nasty f**ker” Wood. I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense right now, but Elijah is like a shrunk down deadly Stan Laurel playing a Tony Jaa inspired version of Hannibal Lecter. He’s a pulp version of the killer rabbit from MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. Something so cute and cuddily and then… so kick ass that my single thought was, “RUNAWAY!!!” He’s cooler than Gollum in this flick. [More]
- Another Hooligans review
:: Some info for French fans- Emidorienne let me know that FOTR will be on TF1 this Sunday evening at 8:55 PM. Also, Huckleberry Finn will be on at 8:50 on ARTE, this Sunday.
:: Here are 3 great stills from the movie Everything is Illuminated that were up at monstersandcritics.com: [1] [2] [3] - Thanks Deenan and Geri
- Next up is a new project Eliah will be working on for MTV about the Holocaust: "Next month, a documentary Zapruder helped produce will be shown on MTV. Titled “We’re Still Here,” it will have young actors like Kate Hudson, Elijah Wood, Brittney Murphy and Zach Braff doing voiceovers of the diaries." [more] -- Thanks again Deenan and Lith for sending this in as well.
:: Some recent Elijah photos at an airport thanks to Marcy:

:: Kaz sent in this Elijah scan from a UK free magazine.
:: Shelina sent in this link which has the dates and times of the Sin City Feature on Starz
:: Phew... I finally got through it all - remind me never to put off updating for a week again :P Thanks to everyone who contributed to this update. I hope everyone has a happy, safe and extra special Easter weekend.

EDIT: Elijah Wood goes from hobbits to Hooligans


March 29, 2005

:: Sin City LA Premiere - Thanks Lilith
EDIT: Added more thanks to Patsie
EDIT: Abandonada was at the Sin City Premiere and managed to take some fantastic photos of Elijah: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] - Thanks for sharing them with us :)


March 30, 2005

:: Heaps more gorgeous Elijah photos from the Sin City premiere are up here. Thanks Patsie and Tina
:: Gina2cali went to the Sin City premiere and posted up her recount here
EDIT: Showbiz hunks Clive Owen, Benicio Del Toro, Kanye West, Ashton Kutcher and 7th Heaven cutie David Gallagher all turned out for the Hollywood premiere of Sin City, but who got all the cheers from female fans that’d been camped outside the Mann Theater since noon? Bright-eyed Elijah Wood had them screaming and panting, rock star-style. [...more] - Thanks Undone

[Edit by Sarah] The award came today!! It's now in Berlin/Germany and will make it's journey to Lucy (Australia) soon. Whoa, exciting! :D I am glad Lucy get's finally paid for all the effort she put into that site! :D <3


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