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News Archive: July 2005



July 1, 2005

:: Some more EII stills thanks to Bunnie:

:: A random Elijah and Sean picture I haven't seen before, thanks to Beizy

:: Location: Austin, Texas
Celebrity: Elijah Wood
Restaurant: some restaurant downtown on 6th street

I never had any sort of opinion on this guy but this one day gave me one. Elijah was in town premiering a new movie. I had the pleasure of waiting on him and 4 other people. He is still beautiful in person!! But he was polite, low maintanance, and an extremely extremely good tipper. I think he gave me close to 70% or something. He doesn't demand special treatment like other celebrities I hear about. He tries to play it low key but stands out anyway because he has an aura about him. I wish I knew him in person because he seems like an incredible human being! I'll wait on him any day again!
[Source] -- Thanks again Bunnie


July 3, 2005

:: Yay fantastic Hooligans news!
Hooligans WILL be released in the US :) Thanks Deenan, and thanks to everyone who supported the movie by signing the petition. Also, if you're trying to sign up to get the free wristband, it doesn't appear to be working at the moment so give it a try later.
Also, John sent me this e-mail with news about Hooligans:
I just got off the phone with Odd Lot Entertainment to confirm the US release date. Hooligans will be released in the United States September 9th in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. The dates were changed two days ago. The September 16th date is wrong. The rest of the United States will get Hooligans on a "rolling basis" which means that every two weeks, or so, another city will get to see Hooligans.
:: Bunnie found some larger versions of the EII pictures I posted in the last update here
:: John sent in this nice big version of the EII poster from the Summer 2005 issue of FLM Magazine -- Thanks John
:: Justine also sent me some pictures I don't think I've seen before (but then it's hard to keep up with all of these pics!): [1] [2] [3] [4]
:: Off topic personal request here -- If anyone knows of any public appearances Dominic Monaghan will be making while he is in Australia next week I'd really love it if you could e-mail either myself or Venera ;) We've missed out on seeing him too many times


July 7, 2005

:: Lots of new pics thanks to Bunnie! Firstly, some more EII Stills:

:: Some pics of Elijah at Video Games Live at the Hollywood Bowl on July 6, 2005 in Hollywood, California HERE


July 8, 2005

:: Updated this page with the pics of Elijah at Video Games Live I posted yesterday with HUGE and unwatermarked versions thanks to Justine :)
:: Also, MTV has an interview with Elijah along with 2 clips up here


July 16, 2005

:: Hey everyone! Thanks to Beyki and Tracey you can all download the Green Street (Hooligans/The Yank, whatever you want to call it) trailer. All you have to go is go to uip.co.uk and sign up to be a premiere club member and then go here. If for some reason you're unable to watch it, I've put up some screencaps here. Thanks for letting us know :)
:: Ringers- Lord of the Fans Will be released on DVD in November
:: The official EII site is now fully functional - Thanks Amanda
:: Thanks to Angelika for the following info: Elijah will be at the Edinburgh Film Festival for Green Street [more]. Click here to go directly to the specific page about Green Street (and see a new pic)
:: Pretty sure I posted this a while back but anyway, Mandy e-mailed me with this: Elijah will be appearing at the scifi convention in toronto on Aug 27th...the website is here. To buy tickets online you just click on the side bar that says tickets. The tickets to see Elijah are a seperate cost to getting into the convention but he will just be appearing on the one day doing a meet and greet session plus answering questions. -- Thanks Mandy
:: Elijah Wood Says Video Game Concert Isn't 'A Nerd Event'

BTW, Venera and I managed to meet Dominic Monaghan outside the Sunrise studios (a morning talk show in Australia) last Wednesday! And for those wondering he is every bit as sweet and funny in person as you see in interviews, stopping to chat, sign autographs and take photos with us :)


July 19, 2005

:: For those of you in the London area, Rachel let me know that you have the opportunity to win screening tickets to see Elijah's latest film Green Street before its official release. Just go here for all the details and sign up to win tickets ;) Thanks Rachel!


July 21, 2005

:: I've got a few pictures for everyone today :) First off here's a Hooligans poster - thanks Lilith.
:: Another three Hooligans stills [1] [2] [3] Doesn't he look gorgeous!?!
:: Here is a new article and picture (shame it's a small picture :( )
:: Here are three scans from Theonering.net Apparently Elijah was taught calligraphy :) - Thanks primula_baggins [1] [2] [3]


July 27, 2005

:: Here are some great photos of Elijah from a photoshoot thanks to Annie: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]


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