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News Archive: August 2005
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August 1, 2005 |
:: Alchemilla_ took this photo of an ad for the prevention of AIDS which Elijah is featured in that she took at her local movie theatre. Apparantly the youthaids-aldo.org site will launch in early August.
:: New Green Street Hooligans Trailer available HERE. Also Zandner let me know that you can now sign up for your free Green Street Hooligans wristband at the link at the bottom of the official site: greenstreethooligans.com -- Unfortunately it appears it's only available to people in the US *sigh* :(
:: Elijah's on the over of Flaunt magazine. Here are 2 pics from the magazine: [1] [2]
:: EII at the Venice International Film Festival
:: Sin City is going to be released on DVD from amazon.com on August 16 -- Thanks Ash
August 3, 2005 |
:: More info about Elijah's campaign against HIV/AIDS -- Claire kindly scanned this article from the September issue of Teen People which has some more information on the campaign. It also has some pics of Elijah and information about those dog tags (Elijah is weaking the "Speak" one in that ad I posted yesterday). Thanks Claire.
:: Some more EII stills care of Bunnie: [1]
:: The official Green Street Hooligans site now has a forum
:: A scan of an article in Q magazine regarding Elijah establishing his own record label HERE (with an adorable photo! :P ) - Thanks primula_baggins
:: Elijah is in this month's Empire Magazine [click] - Thanks Delicious vinyl and TORn
August 4, 2005 |
Click Click!
August 5, 2005 |
:: The youthaids-aldo.org site is finally up and has heaps of information about the campaign as well as some more Elijah goodies. Firstly, here is a clip where the celebrities (including Elijah) talk about AIDS and the campaign.
Some great pics from the site:
:: Now I know you're all gonna love these... scans from US premiere magazine thanks to Undone! [transcript is here, also thanks to Undone]
August 7, 2005 |
:: Thanks to Undone here are some gorgeous larger scans from Flaunt Magazine:
:: Just a reminder that Elijah is going to be in Toronto on August 27 for the Canadian National Science Fiction Expo [more] ... Thanks Adrienne
August 15, 2005 |
::Here's a scan from an upcomming issue of SPIN magazine - Thanks Undone
::Here is a two page article on Elijah, it mentions
the name of Elijah's up and coming record label: SIMIAN, which interestingly enough means monkey (elijah's nickname as a kid, duh!) =)
SIMIAN website
::For those who live in or around LA/Hollywood, theres a free Movie screening of Green Street Hooligans just click here.
::Ed P put up infomation about the September 9th NY premiere of Green Street Hooligan's complete with the poster on the '
Elijah Jordan Wood: Performer for Our Time website' - Thanks Ed
:: Finally The EII Official site
August 19, 2005 |
:: Spin Magazine scans! :)
Thanks Mailea and everyone who let me know about them
:: For those in the UK: Elijah will be on GMTV next Tuesday (23rd August) - Thanks Grace.
:: Again for those in the UK: Apparantly Elijah will be attending a special screening of Green Street at the Apollo cinema in London next Wednesday (24th August)
:: Also, Sin City is now available on DVD from amazon.com - Thanks Aleisha
August 20, 2005 |
:: Elijah in Jane Magazine scans!! There are some new pics and a great interview where he confirms he's been dating someone for the past 3 months! :) :) Anyway, on to the scans:
- Thanks to undone :)
:: Elijah is going to be on BBC Radio 1 on Monday 22nd August [more] - Thanks singingcaz
August 24, 2005 |
:: How much do we all love Justine! <3 Heaps of new Elijah pics at the premiere of Green Street at the Edinburgh International Film Festival are here
:: Elijah on GMTV clip