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News Archive: November 2005
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November 9, 2005 |
:: Carlene has sent me an update about RINGERS. The DVD is released in stores on November 22nd, but the premiere will be held in Los Angeles, California on November 16 [not long now! ;)] at the Vista Theatre. Click here for full details about the screening and the after party (note you have to be over 18 for the after party), and be sure to keep checking back for celebrity guest confirmations, I hear Elijah has been invited [note, he has not confirmed his attendance]. *sigh* lucky people in LA :P Anyway, apparantly Elijah is in the film a lot. You can see one of the clips with Elijah in it on iFilm. Thanks Carlene :)
:: Apparantly Elijah attended a Halloween party hosted by a friend of Cassie's. She sent along this pic of Elijah and herself at the party. Lucky girl ;)
:: Jane let me know that there is an Elijah interview in the next issue of FILMINK magazine due to hit stands on November 15. It's available for sale in Australia and New Zealand on the 15th of each month, but anyone from overseas who is interested in purchasing it can visit the website: Filmink.com.au or contact Dina. She's very kindly sent along a scan of the article which you can view here
:: Lindsay Lohan will appear in Elijah's next movie Bobby as Elijah's love interest [source]. Thanks Dawn
:: Some great Elijah pics thanks to lemming23 taken for LIFE magazine: [1]
November 19, 2005 |
More over this way, precious :) Thanks of course to Justine for the eye candy as usual ♥
November 27, 2005 |
:: Hey everyone! I managed to see EII on Friday (It opened in Australia on Thursday) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting was brilliant and it was an interesting story, so definately check it out if you can. For those in the UK, LSR let me know that the movie is on rolling release like it was in the US, so keep checking the viewing schedules for information. I also managed to get a copy of RINGERS and thought it was awesome - very well done indeed, and you can see A&F in it for about a second or two, lol ;) Ok, onto the news...
:: At 9PM PST tonight, Microsoft officially kicked off next-generation gaming in North America with a celebrated event at their Xbox 360 Zero Hour party. As part of our extensive coverage of the event (watch for it in a special edition of the 1UP Show this week), we stood in line with hardcore Xbox 360 fans from all over the globe for a chance to buy the very first retail kits anywhere.... And guess who else was standing in line in Palmdale to get an Xbox 360? Yep, Elijah, and also his brother. Here's the rest of that article | Elijah Wood Checks Out Zero Hour | some pics
:: The Happy Feet site is up along with the trailer [follow me]
:: Elijah Wood has revealed how he made a secret visit to New Zealand to surprise Peter Jackson on the set of King Kong. [Read More] Thanks Debbie
:: Ok this is old news, but I never got around to posting it. Elijah won Total Film Magazine's Best Movie Death Award for, of course, his gruesome death as Kevin in Sin City.
Nice bloke Elijah Wood. Sprawled by a swimming pool flicking through Total Film, he's "extremely honoured" to be recognised for expiring so impressively in Sin City... "Best Death, eh? Well, you know, when your arms and legs are cut off and you're eaten by a dog, you can't really argue with that! It was such a great experience. To jump into that film noir-esque world, that's so dark and f*cked up, and to play a character like Kevin, was an unbelievable treat and this award is great. And it's definitely a first for me! Thank you so much!"
:: Justine sent along these Elijah pics from Spec: {1}
:: Here's an interview with Elijah about EII. Thanks Marcuria. And there's another article about EII on the BBC website which can be accessed here. Thanks Rachel and Debbie
:: Here's some info from Raeesa (thanks!):
This year, Elijah took the "pledge". It's this thing on the family channel, where kids fight against bullying. Here's the link. Go on the Justin Timberlake pic, Elijah's on that one