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News Archive: December 2005



December 4, 2005

:: Here's your first look at Elijah in Bobby with Lindsay Lohan from NYTimes -- Thanks Bunnie

:: Hah, here's some pretty funny news from Australia: RADCLIFFE: 'I'M NOT ELIJAH WOOD' -- Thanks to Daisy, Caroline, Lauren, Jo and Raeesa for that
:: Elijah Wood to attend King Kong premiere in NYC on December 5th at Loews E-Walk and AMC Empire 25. MORE
:: 2 more outtakes from Elle Girl thanks to Bunnie: [1] [2]
:: An article/interview with Elijah: An illuminating chat. Apparantly EII will be available on DVD in the US on February 28th for all those who have been wondering. Thanks of course to Bunnie :)


December 8, 2005

:: Here are some pics from the Preston and Steve show (WMMR) [1] [2] --Thanks to elijahfrodo1990 and Margie
:: More goodies from Margie... some pics from the 99x morning show interview: [1] [2] [3]
:: Click here and follow the links for a radio interview with Elijah
:: Here's another Elijah interview, on the Steve and Vikki morning show [follow me]
:: A pic of Elijah on the Bob Rivers show... and here is the interview
:: More interviews here and here. Thanks to Margie for all the above :)
:: Patsie posted a pic of Elijah playing King Kong on the new Xbox 360 at the Zero Hour event in Palmdale, California on November 21 [check it out]


December 15, 2005

:: Here's a quick '60 second interview' with Elijah
:: Some info about the EII DVD is up here including the cover designs and release date - 21st March 2006. Thanks Eowyn

:: Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews: Elijah Wood On "Narnia"
In our latest installment of Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews, a reader gently eavesdrops on Elijah Wood, the much-respected expert on wildly successful film franchises adapted from beloved fantasy literature, and gives us this sneak preview of a soon-to-be holiday blockbuster:
Elijah Wood after the cast and crew screening of The Chronicles of Narnia at the ArcLight said:"The little girl carried the film. British teeth and all." [source]


December 19, 2005

Hey everyone! Both A&F as well as Elijah himself have been nominated in the 2005 One Ring Awards! Please show your support for the site by voting for Always and Forever in question 6, and vote for Elijah in questions 3 and 4. I don't know how long the voting period is for, so please cast your votes as soon as possible. The winners will be announced at the One Ring Award Ceremony in Pasadena CA. Thanks to everyone who got us nominated, it really is a great honour :)


December 23, 2005

:: Hey everyone. I don't know if I'll be able to update before Christmas so at the risk of missing this opportunity I want to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas on behalf of all of the A&F team. We hope you enjoy the holiday season and manage to score lots of goodies from friends and family ;)

:: It's been a sllloowww news week that's for sure. But thanks to Justine I have some younger Elijah pics to keep you entertained until the next update. I've put up some promo shots from Oliver Twist which I've never seen before. So click here for some Artful Dodger goodies.
:: Also here is a random pic of Elijah at the Venice Film Festival

Thanks to everyone who has supported us by voting for Elijah and Always and Forever in the TORn ORC Awards so far.


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