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News Archive: February 2006
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February 3, 2006 |
:: Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that Venera and I are heading up to Queensland (Australia) for the week from the 4th-11th of February, so of course don't expect any updates at A&F during that time. I won't be able to reply to e-mails either, but feel free to send them anyway and I'll reply when I get back. If you could still keep sending me news that would be great as it'll be easier for me to post a catch-up update when I get back. In the meantime I suggest you keep checking out the forum for any new info or pics ;)
February 15, 2006 |
:: Ok, so I did actually come home a few days ago but i've been in lazy mode so give me a break :P
:: Firstly, you HAVE to check this out. It's a bunch of screencaps of two deleted EII scenes. And yes, that is Elijah ;)
:: Tamara sent along this recent Elijah photo snapped on February 8th
:: Claudia [of craigparker.de] let me know about a great fund raising initiative she is involved in as part of the Craig Birthday Project:
We currently have an auction of an Elijah Wood Autograph which will he personally sign for the highest bidder at a Convention in Sweden in March. So this would be a nice chance for an Elijah fan to get an autograph with his/her name. The auction can be found here for more details about the project visit the website
:: Rakshi over @ SANET has very kindly allowed me to link to an awesome ORC 2006 video she made which features lots of Elijah in it :) You can check out the .wmv version here [43mb]
:: Alisa, who runs the A&F fanlisting, let me know that it's moved over to: o-rly.net/always
February 23, 2006 |
:: Just a quick update since nothing much has been happening with Elijah lately. Justine sent along a few photos which were taken while Elijah was filming Flipper:

Thanks again Justine
February 24, 2006 |
:: Ok, I'm bored so who's up for an update ;)
The very lovely Yeux scanned another batch of goodies from her Elijah e-bay loot (yay!)
And some articles: [1]
February 27, 2006 |
:: Alright, alright, stop refreshing the page :P Here are the 1st Mardi Gras Elijah photos thanks to txvoodoo:
And a little report of amenaspointyhat's meeting with Elijah at the parade.
Thanks to Bunnie for this stuff ;)
February 28, 2006 |
:: I've put up all of the Mardi Gras photos I've found so far up here. Pics 03-14 were taken by Ambrosia, and 15-16 were taken by skater_chick. Thanks for sharing those, girls.