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News Archive: May 2006
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May 2, 2006 |
:: Ok, ok I know its been a week or whatever. But I come bearing gifts so don't shoot just yet :P
:: There is a videoclip montage of Paris, je t'aime up here. There's some screencaps over this way. Thanks Bunnie and juicy_11
:: Here are some photos from a photoshoot thanks to Bunnie: [1]
:: Another still from Paris, je t'aime and here are some random photos: [1] [2] - Also thanks to Bunnie
:: Here's a snippet from PEOPLE magazine of Elijah answering the question of what was the strangest encounter he'd ever had in an elevator. Thanks to The Castle Lady ;)
:: And finally, MTV Online has the clip of Elijah being Punk'd. I had such trouble watching this, you really feel for him. Lol, poor thing :P
May 9, 2006 |
:: Elijah shaves his hair, and my inbox explodes :P Yes, you read right. Behold! Bald Elijah:
[7] -- Thanks to Patsie for those. And here's a scan from People thanks to kyou elidd
:: Some pics from Prim, apparantly taken at The Club at Hammock Beach, in Palm Coast, Florida last year.
:: Elijah in a Young Hollywood feature... thing is here. Thanks Prim again.
:: An old Bob and Tom Interview with Elijah is up here
:: Some photos from an old photoshoot, thanks to the fabulous Justine :)
[6]. Also here's another outtake thanks to Bunnie.
:: And some more outtakes thanks to Justine
:: Elijah will be the voice of Spyro in the new game, "The Legend of Spyro, A New Beginning" [source] thanks Bunnie
:: A video interview with the magician Keith Barry is up here which includes some Elijah -- Thanks Bunnie
May 19, 2006 |
:: Hey everyone i have heaps of pics for you today :) Elijah's bald and now has a beard:P thanks to patsie and salogel
:: Idril of Dorthonion has found a new picture from Elijah's film Paris, je t'aime Thanks Idril of Dorthonion
May 20, 2006 |
:: I've put up new pictures of Elijah on the red carpet with his stunning girlfriend Pam on this page :) - Thanks Txvoodoo for those.
:: Ive also added 11 pictures to this gallery - Thanks go to Bunnie and Txvoodoo
:: And finally here is an interview with cast and directors from Paris, Je T'aime. Just scroll down to Interview/Photocall: Paris, Je T'aime - Thanks to Bunnie again :D