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News Archive: July 2006
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July 2, 2006 |
:: Here are the first pics in of Elijah at the London Film & Comic Con [July 1-2] thanks to Prim and Bunnie
EDIT: Shiredrops posted these two fantastic photos she took up on the forum
Please send in any pics you have of Elijah at this event and I'll put them up as I get them :)
And here is a report up here
EDIT: Here are some more additions. Thanks to Abbie for the 1st pic, and to Vicky for the 2nd & hilarious 3rd
:: Here are some great reports from the event: [1] [2] and heaps of pics: [1] [2]
July 3, 2006 |
:: More LFCC fun. The first batch are thanks to Sian
Some pics from practically magic: [1] [2]
Some that Bunnie came across: [1] [2] and here are some awesome pics thanks to Emy and James...
:: Three more here: [1] [2] [3]
:: And Elijah's autographed message to Naomi over here is too cute not to post
EDIT: Thanks Ryan for once again sharing your Elijah photos with us...
July 4, 2006 |
:: Mara pointed me in the direction of her LJ where she has up the first part of her report of the LF&CC along with the first batch of (the very many) pics she took of the man himself.
:: You're all DEFINATELY going to want to keep your eyes firmly planted on Sal's livejournal in the next few days. Why you ask? Because there's just so much eye candy! Please respect her wishes and show some courtesy by not reposting the images. If you want to share them with your friends (and geez why wouldn't you!) then give them the link to the actual entry or to her LJ.
:: Katie sent along her photo op as well. She got Elijah to hold up a sign for her friend who's a huge fan but couldn't be there :)
:: Some pics are up here thanks to txvoodoo
:: More pics up here
:: A whole heap of pics where added up the to LF&CC page thanks to Bunnie and lemming23
Phew, there is more but I'll leave that to another day, perhaps tomorrow. Thank you so much to everyone who's contributed to the recent LF&CC updates. We're being spoiled at A&F, aren't we? :)
July 8, 2006 |
:: Some goodies from the forum:
Elijah at Gogol Bordello gig London Camden Palace KOKO -- Thanks Karin & Chris
I met Elijah at the Gogol gig in Nottingham, UK! -- Thanks Plutonic
A whole bunch of pics thanks to Karin
:: Bunnie posted some pics from fans who met Elijah last Tuesday at the Manchester Gogol Bordello gig
:: Here's the second part of Mara's report
:: Jane has a whole bunch of LF&CC posts over at her Livejournal which should keep you entertained for a good while. The pics are great and she has a great recount of Elijah's talk so make sure you check that out. Again, don't repost any of the pics, just send people over to her LJ if you want to share. Thanks Jane ;)
:: And how much do we love Patsie! :D
:: Don't forget to head over to Sal's Livejournal as well for some new pics she's posted
:: Head over here to hear a message that Elijah left on this guy's answering machine. Thanks Bunnie for the find.
:: Check out this entry for more Elijah @ LF&CC goodies.
:: Here's an article about Day Zero -- Thanks Bunnie
:: Pauline has a great report and some pics up here
:: Some more pics up here
:: Some contributions from Abby and Kerry are here and here
July 17, 2006 |
:: There are a whole bunch of Elijah photos from the Giffoni Film Festival up here. Thanks to Bunnie and Prim for all of those.
:: Another report of the LF&CC is up here and navigate your way through this site to see some more Elijah pics from the event [Lord of the Rings (on the left), then London Film and Comic Con 4]
BTW those 5 photos in the July 3 update (who can forget Elijah in those glasses) were taken by Emy and James. You can read Emy's account of the day along with more Elijah pics on her myspace. Thanks for that Emy :)
July 18, 2006 |
:: Heaps more Giffoni pics have been added up to the Giffoni galleries: [1] and [2] Thanks to Prim for some of those and also to Geri for sending in a whole bunch of them including some unwatermarked versions of those I posted yesterday.
July 31, 2006 |
:: Mara has posted up the first 3 installments of her recount of the Giffoni Film Festival. It is definately worth the read so head over there: [part 1] [2] [3]
:: There's a new still from Paris, Je T'aime up here but it's apparantly very SPOILERY (I haven't seen it so I'll trust Bunnie on this one)
so DO NOT click on it unless you're ok with that.
:: The official Happy Feet trailer is up here - Thanks prim
:: Some new stills from Bobby, thanks to Prim: [1]