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News Archive: July 2007



July 23, 2007

:: Progress is coming along nicely with The Oxford Murders. The soundtrack will begin recording at Abbey Road Studios in London on July 28th. The score will be conducted by Roque Banos and includes the 15 member choir, The Hannah Northedge Singers who will also be seen throughout the movie.
:: Speaking of The Oxford Murders, you can check out a small image of the possible theatrical poster in the Movie Stills section which is still undergoing construction.
:: I don't think these Oxford Murders videos have be posted in an update before. They may have been seen, but they deserve another look. A very humorous one with Elijah and director Alex de la Iglesia here, and another here. BTW, one is in Spanish, the other in French.
:: Everything that transpires in Day Zero has its roots in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. That's the primary reason it had to be shot in New York, says director Bryan Gunnar Cole.
This is an excerpt concerning Day Zero from an informative article about film making in New York City. You can read the entire article here.
:: Looks like Elijah is going behind the scenes more. He will be the executive producer of a new documentary entitled Made In Japan. Not only will he be producing, he will also act as narrator. According to IMDbPro, the project is still in script status with a possible release date sometime in 2009. You can check out the listing at Wayfinder Films who will be producing the documentary.
:: Here is a pic of Elijah at his good friend Harry Knowles' (Ain't It Cool News, The Faculty) wedding in Austin Texas, and a couple more pics of Elijah with the lead singer of Heloise & the Savior Faire and a scan from the Chile Fashion Museum. Thanks to Bunnie and Maureen for these.
That's all... for now.


July 16, 2007

:: I hadn't planned to post an update the same day Deenan did but... I have some very exciting news for you all. If - like me - you've also been waiting on some news about a theatrical release for "Day Zero", go quickly to their website More details will follow soon!


July 16, 2007

:: If you live anywhere near the Sheffield UK area, Paris Je T'aime will be screening there this week. Thanks for the info Jane!
:: "The crowd was pure fanboy. Every other person there had on a Transformers shirt. Even Elijah Wood was in the house."
Yes, the ultimate fanboy took in the first showing of the film Transformers in L.A. recently and posed with some fans. [1] [2] [3]
:: Here's a great (but old) interview with Elijah talking about his LOTR experience. You can listen to it at Sci-Fi Talk. This is also available for downloading.
:: Emmi found a radio interview with Robert Schneider of The Apple In Stereo as he talks about how the band hooked up with Elijah to become the first group on his Simian Record label.
:: In return, Elijah talks about the same in an article here.
:: August 20th will be the debut of a children's program called Yo Gabba Gabba on Nickelodeon and Elijah will be the first of the celebrity guests. You can watch a clip about the show and see a quick glimpse of Elijah on YouTube. We'll remind you as the day gets closer.
:: The War is now available in HD on DVD, and according to this review, it's even better! [Scroll to the top] In case you want to purchase this wonderful film, Amazon has it. I'm waiting on my copy to arrive.
That's all... for now.


July 5, 2007

:: Hello everyone. I hope the 4th of July holiday was good for our American fans. It's been rather quiet in the news from Elijah, so we're digging for photographs, news and among other things, updating our site.
:: A couple of new photos here and here. Much thanks to Bunnie!
:: We've made some changes to our affiliates. Some sites haven't been updated in a few years, so sadly those had to go, but we've added new ones to take their place. When corresponding with our new friends, they said it's an honor to be listed on A&F because it's one of the best Elijah fansites around! Have a look at our affiliates page. Drop by and give them a look.
:: Another stellar review for Day Zero:
"The three leads carry the movie on their backs with strengths, weaknesses and stakes any member of the audience can relate to, and this is where the movie’s true success lies- in its ability to have the audience living in these hard times vicariously through these men, so alike in their reactions, fears, insecurities and strategies."
You can read the entire review with some minor spoilers here. Now, where are the distributors?
:: Every ten years, the American Film Institute lists the 100 top films of all times. This year, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring was added despite its release date edging out a classic like Dr. Zhivago. FOTR placed in at number 50. I wonder where it will be in the next ten years?
:: Seems like old rumors are surfacing again. Bunnie brought to my attention, that Elijah may have another film in the works. Madman, a character based on Mike Allred's comic book could be that film with a possible release date in 2009. Elijah's old pals, Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Spy Kids 3D, The Faculty) will produce the film and George Huang (director of Elijah's audition tape for LOTR) will co-direct with Allred. It was said early last year by Allred that the lead had been cast and they were part of the biggest grossing film of 2003 but did not give details.
"But I can't tell you who it is yet... When we announce it, you're gonna be like 'What?', then you'll think about it for a second and see that it's perfect." You can read more info at Wikipedia. Remember, nothing is set. It's still a rumor.
:: MoreBliss was kind enough to share some very high res photos taken over the years at the LOTR movie premieres in New Zealand. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
:: We've added some new pages to older photo shoots here and here, and updated with more pics from Elle Magazine and another shoot over here.
That's all... for now.


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