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News Archive: November 2007
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November 20, 2007 |
:: Elijah has donated his handprints to a couple of worthy children's causes. You can purchase a book titled Celebrity Handprints that's a photographed collection of various stars handprints through Amazon. But wait, there's more. The organizers have offered the official press release to us, and there's a chance more good things could come of this so stay tuned and watch this update for more info that may be added.
:: Let's get into a lot of goodies about The Oxford Murders.
:: A full Spanish version of the trailer is now ready to be seen and enjoyed at the official website. Be careful. There are some squeamish moments, but that doesn't compare to the rest of it. It's also available for downloading here.
ETA: Sorry folks, the previous download link was the wrong one. The link should be the right one.
:: Thanks to Karin and Bunnie for sharing some new promotional pics from the movie.
:: Find Babelfish in your favorites again because director Alex de la Iglesia has his blog back up and running. He posted some pics of himself and Elijah with fans at the Gogol Bordello concert in Madrid this past weekend. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
:: A pic taken of Elijah with singer Hannah Northedge during their filming. Again, thanks to Bunnie for the pic.
:: The movie stills section has been updated with the new Oxford pics and images from The Bumblebee Flies Anyway.
:: And Finally, we've picked up a couple of new affiliates. Check them out!
That's all... for now. Have a great Thanksgiving!
November 11, 2007 |
:: There's not a lot of news but I thought it was about time for an update so here we go:
:: Day Zero is now available for pre-order at Amazon, Best Buy or through the website of Indalo Productions. The dvd will be released on February 26, 2008 and is at this moment only available for Region1 dvd players.
:: The Filmfestival in Savannah was the last in a long row for Day Zero. We received a long report: "WOW was Savannah amazing. The theater was huge, around 1200 seats - and there were easily 1000 people there as only the seats around the edges and in front weren't filled. It was the largest audience we've played to, even bigger than the premiere at Tribeca. It's amazing how jokes are funnier, and tension is tenser, when shared with so many.
At least a few hundred stayed for Q&A with Bryan and me, and the crowd seemed to really like the film (there were people from several other southern festivals there, and we've received 3 further invitations which we're pondering - however, since they take place after our release, it's doubtful we'll be able to go). The Savannah Film Festival is sponsored by SCAD, the Savannah College of Art and Design, and they have an excellent film program there, so there were many students in attendance which made for an extremely interested audience.
Some more good news: in addition to NYC, Day Zero will also be released in the Seattle area, on Bainbridge Island at the Linwood Theater, also on January 18. First Look decided to open on 2 screens rather than 1, and rather than do LA for the west coast, we chose Seattle because that's where director Bryan Gunnar Cole is from. He'll be at the theater there for Q&A during opening weekend and perhaps all week.
Finally, the NYT included Day Zero in its piece on upcoming movies... You can read the article HERE".
With very special thanks to Tony Moody for his continuous efforts to keep us all up to date.
:: Elijah hosted a radio show in LA a few days ago. Thanks to Westmoon and Kitkat72, the show is available for download: [part1], [part2] and [part3]
:: Elijah donated a pair of his shoes to charity campaign Shoe4Africa. Read about it in this article.
:: That's it for now.
November 1, 2007 |
Well? How does everything look? Brenda and I were diligent on updating the site with new banners once we had the right direction. Not only have things changed here, but also on the forum and the home page, which is what visitors see as they access A&F when surfing the Internet.
ETA: If you can't see the new layout, try clicking on the skin choice of "Raindrops" in the quick info section.
In case you're curious as to where the banners you voted for placed, here are the final results: 5th place, 4th place, 3rd place, 2nd place.
Thanks again to everyone who voted!
Let's get to some news shall we?
:: Day Zero is still making rounds at film festivals. In Williamstown MA., the response was great according to Tony Moody.
"I had an absolutely wonderful time at the Williamstown Film Festival. It's a beautiful New England college town, and the festival was a blast. The screening was very well attended and the moderated Q&A felt like it could've gone on for hours had the moderator not adjourned us to the bar next door! Speaking of the bar next door, I had a great time chatting with some avid A&F/LJ participants. A very fun night overall! Off to Savannah!!"
The Savannah Film Festival special screening is tonight. Good luck Tony!
:: New Films International has a more powerful trailer for Day Zero on their website. Be cautious of spoilers in the trailer and a couple of new posters can be found in the Day Zero movie stills section. If you want to see the full resolution of the inset poster, you can find it on the forum.
:: The movie stills has also been updated with Chain Of Fools.
:: The success of the video game Legend of Spyro has prompted a possibility of it becoming a feature film as Variety reports. It's not known if Elijah or Gary Oldman will reprise their character voices for the big screen if it becomes a reality. You can read more about it in this article.
:: Robin from Toronto sent us a photo of an unclaimed Frodo flag that flew proudly in Wellington New Zealand during the ROTK premiere in 2003. There were only four made for the event including Gandalf, Arwen and Aragorn. Robin is lucky to have one of them and she was gracious enough to share the photo with us. Thanks Robin!
:: A couple of new stills from The Oxford Murders. [1] [2] Thanks for the find JuliaBaggins!
:: Elijah, AKA, Simian Records, is busy preparing for the release of the debut CD Trash, Rats and Microphones from Heloise And The Savior Faire. Rocker and All I Want co-star, Debbie Harry has contributed her vocal talents to a few tracks as well. The CD is expected to hit stores early next spring. In the meantime, Simian has added a couple of free singles from the band for downloading on their MySpace. There are plans to book Heloise for shows in the L.A. area at the end of this year.
:: And finally, we're looking for fans and artists to create new affiliate buttons for A&F. If you don't know what those are, they are small calling cards that link other fan sites to ours. Take a look to see what we currently have. Please email myself or Brenda if you would like to participate. Do not leave your request in the comment box for we may not see it. Please use a current email when replying so we can get back to you with instructions. We will take names until November 10th.
That's all... for now.