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News Archive: January 2008
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January 31, 2008 |
:: Check out all the fantastic new pics from NEO2 fashion magazine that Elijah posed for. A big hearty thanks once again to Jaramajo for the scans!
:: A nice review of Elijah in The Oxford Murders can be seen here.
:: A rather fun cast interview from CQC during The Oxford Murders press junket. It's mostly in Spanish, but there are some bits in English.
:: A pic of Elijah in Spain celebrating the premiere of The Oxford Murders with the author of the novel, Guillermo Martinez.
:: As part of their 31 Days of Oscar celebration, Turner Movie Classics will be showing commercial free, The Return Of The King, Sunday, February 10th at 9:30pm EST.
:: Rumor alert! Can the Iggy Pop biopic at last be happening? According to what Elijah says in an article that has yet to be translated, perhaps so. Shooting could possibly being sometime this March. Stay tuned to find out if the wait is finally over.
ETA: Here is a very rough translation of what Elijah says about the project:
Are you nervous before filming to portray one of your idols Iggy Pop?
"I'm a big fan of The Stooges and I'm excited we will being filming in March. I'm going to train to prepare myself physically. I'm learning to play the drums and the guitar. I have done work with my voice, because his voice is deeper than mine. Once this character gets going, everything will be much easier."
That's pretty much the essence of it. Thanks so much to Mumis for this general translation.
:: Day Zero is screening in Hanover, NH Friday, February 1st at 7:30pm EST at the Hopkins Center. Writer/EP Rob Malkani and Tony Moody will be there for Q&A afterwards. Thanks for the news Brenda!
That's all... for now.
January 28, 2008 |
:: Happy 27th Birthday, Elijah from all of us here at A&F. I hope this year brings you lots of joy both in your professional and personal life. Deenan made a birthday video for Elijah and was so kind to share it with all of us.
:: There are a lot of clips from The Oxford Murders floating around on YouTube but be careful: some of them contain major spoilers. If you do want to get spoiled, you can watch the clips: [1], [2a], [2b].
:: Salwood and Saura translated an interview that Elijah did for the Spanish site Elmundo and they were so kind to share it with us. It can be found in our interview section.
:: Ion Cinema features a nice interview with Robert Malkani, the writer and co-producer of Day Zero. You can read it here.
:: Tony Moody just let me know that unfortunately Day Zero will not be shown a second week in New York nor Seattle. The movie had the bad fortune of running during the week where they announce the Oscar nominations. Every single of the other films where nominated for at least one Oscar so they did not stand a chance. On behalf of Tony: "Thanks to everyone who came out in support of the film."
:: We've added movie stills from The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King to our movie stills section - page 1 and page 2. Stills from the other two films will follow during the next weeks.
That's it... for now.
January 20, 2008 |
:: There are a lot of pics from The Oxford Murders premiere and press conference in Madrid and Barcelona. Check out the new additions here and here.
:: A huge crowd was on hand for the opening of The Oxford Murders in Madrid this weekend. Thanks to director Alex de la Iglesia for posting the photo in his blog. Best of luck Alex, Elijah, John and everyone who were a part of the film. Let's hope it spreads to other countries soon.
:: El Pais EP3, a Spanish magazine supplement did a great photo shoot of Elijah in a recent edition. I cleaned them up as best I could and you can see them in the magazine section. Thanks to Jaramajo for the scans.
:: A few backstage pics from Elijah's appearance on the Buenafuente & Co. talk show. [1] [2] [3] Thanks Sssneaking.
:: Bunnie found a great behind the scenes video of a recent Q&A Elijah gave for online fans in Spain. You can watch it here, or if you like, it can be downloaded here. There is also a small pic from the session. If the download runs out, please email me. Thanks!
:: There is a short video of Elijah at the premiere on Youtube. Thanks again Jaramajo! Check out some of the other videos there as well.
:: A promising review for Day Zero can be read here and a nice interview Elijah gave for the film and other aspects of his career on this site. Beware. It's a bit spoilerish.
:: Box Office Mojo estimates that Day Zero took in close to $13,000 for the weekend, showing in only two theaters. Let's hope the numbers stay true or better when the actual numbers are given. Remember, the better it does in NYC and the Seattle area, the better the chances of it coming to you.
:: And lastly, the wallpaper section has some new editions.
That's all... for now.
January 17, 2008 |
Here I am with yet another update for you
:: Let's start with a lot of wonderful pictures from The Oxford Murders photocall in Madrid. You can find them all on our specially created 2008 – The Oxford Murders - Press Call - Madrid page.
:: We also have a lot of new video clips for you. Another clip showed up from the French talk show Elijah was in last week. You can find it here. With special thanks to JuliaBaggins for the find.
:: Karin found three clips from the press conference for The Oxford Murders in Madrid. You can watch them on YouTube: [1], [2] and [3].
:: This next clip contains massive spoilers so be careful if you don't want to be spoiled! It's a making-off clip, also from The Oxford Murders and was found by jaramajo.
:: Elijah and Alex were guests at Buenafuente's talk show on a Spanish television channel yesterday. A clip, also containing major spoilers can be found here. Thanks again to jaramajo for he find.
:: Tony Moody informed me that tickets for the Day Zero screenings in New York can now be purchased online.
That's all... for now. More to come in a few days!
January 13, 2008 |
This is the first time since helping with the responsibilities of keeping you informed that there has been three updates in less than a week. I don't know about you, but I'm loving it!
:: There's a great article sent to me with Elijah talking about Day Zero and a few of his later films just recently while in France. Check out The 213, but beware of major spoilers in the interview. Many thanks to editor Jason Coleman for sending the link.
:: "If I'm asked to go back and revisit that character and it makes sense, I would love to. I would absolutely love to," he said."
Yes, that's Elijah saying he would love to reprise his role of Frodo Baggins which made him a household name. The reports have been flooding in from all over about the possibility, but the site that started it all is MTV Movies blog.
:: There is also a French video of Elijah while on a European press tour for The Oxford Murders where he talks about The Hobbit. Thanks to Sssneaking for the find.
:: Another short Youtube clip of Elijah and director Alex de la Iglesia at the press conference for the film here.
:: Thanks again to Jaramajo for telling us that this coming Tuesday, Elijah along with Alex will make an appearance on Beunafuente & Co. which is a talk show on Spanish television. Hopefully there will be a video up for it sometime after. Here is the Spanish site to keep a watch on.
That's all... for now.
January 10, 2008 |
:: Hi everyone, a quick update to share some, mostly Oxford Murders related goodies with you.
:: Elijah attended the premiere of The Oxford Murders in Paris on January 8. Pictures can be found here. Don't you all agree with me that he's looking stunning with the long hair?
:: Elijah was a guest on a tv-show on French tv-station Canal +. You can watch the show by clicking on this link. Go to "extraits de l'émission" and scroll till you find Elijah's picture. Special thanks to Pop for the find.
:: Karin found a short video clip of Elijah at Alex at the Paris premiere.
:: MySpace has launched just today a celebrity channel where you can see a great interview and some behind-the-scenes stuff with Elijah and Heloise and the Savoir Faire.
:: If you're sick and tired of hearing about The Oxford Murders by now, we have found some nice reviews on Day Zero. You can find them here,here and here.
If you live in the area of New York or Washington or you have family living there, don't forget to support the film. In Washington, director Bryan Gunnar Cole will introduce the film and host a Q&A session on January 11, 12 and 13.
:: Last, but not least, A&F welcomes a new affiliate, Boyd Oh Boyd
That's all... for now.
January 6, 2008 |
:: If you're planning to see Day Zero when it opens on January 18th in New York City, you can get your advanced tickets online at The Angelika. The tickets aren't available just yet, but keep checking that site. We will let you know if advance tickets will be available for the Seattle area.
ETA: In Washington, Day Zero plays at the The Lynwood Theater. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem possible to buy tickets in advance.
:: Did Elijah have any New Year's Eve plans? Cameras caught him in NYC recently asking that question. There's not much to this video, but watch all of it. If you live outside of America, you can view it here. Thanks to 72kaye for the link, and Bunnie for sharing.
:: A tipster gave me a link to a little more of this clip. It's the only downloadable version in .AVI format that I know of. There is also a major spoiler scene from The Ice Storm included. Thanks Aileen!
:: There is a series of six video clips from The Oxford Murders all on Youtube, and some are in Spanish. Thanks to Jaramajo and Westmoon for the finds.
:: Mumis and Bunnie found some new and bigger OM pics. [1] [2] [3]
:: Sssneaking found another cast photo from the film. If anyone is fluent in Spanish, here is an article talking about the film along with the photo.
:: Two pics taken at the Gogol Bordello show in Helsinki. [1] [2] Thanks Bunnie!
:: And lastly, I'd like to wish Lucy a Happy Belated Birthday! She celebrated her 21st birthday on Saturday.
That's all... for now.
January 1, 2008 |
:: First of all, Happy New Year from all of us here at Always & Forever! Thanks very much for the support the past year. May 2008 be a great year for all of you.
:: Thanks a lot for all the well wishes during my illness. It's highly appreciated.
:: Now, on to the goodies... Bunnie came across a wonderful new promo photo of Elijah for Everything is Illuminated.
:: The Ice Storm Criterion DVD is now available for pre-order at Amazon.com. This special edition dvd costs 27,99US$ and will ship on March 18.
:: We've added a lot more movie stills to our Oxford Murders movie stills page. Thanks Bunnie for the great find!
:: Majka sent us a really funny link of a dancing Elijah. Check it out HERE. You can also make your own version.
:: That's all for now!