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News Archive: April 2008



April 27, 2008

Just a quick update today folks.

:: Of course, Elijah is hanging out at the Coachella Music Festival this weekend in Indio California. What would a music festival be without him? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
I'm pretty sure more pics and maybe a report or two will be coming.

:: Bunnie has linked us to an interview on MSN by Elijah discussing The Oxford Murders and meeting John Hurt. It's about five minutes into the clip.

:: Earth's Daughter has a downloadable version of Elijah In The Hood on E4. Make sure to type in the three letter code before downloading and be careful. It's a very large file and the interview contains spoilers. Also, the site may not open immediately. BTW, this video will show with a VLC player.

:: There are some scans from Vanidad magazine that Jaramajo shared with us.

:: Serai was so kind to translate the article which accompanied the photos from the magazine. You can read it here.

Told ya it was quick!


April 23, 2008

:: Elijah is speaking out even more about becoming an upcoming music mogul. He talks about his label, Simian in this interview, and two pics from the article. [1] [2]

:: A great video during SXSW where Elijah and Heloise gave a radio interview for 101X In Studio.

:: A few pics after the Heloise concert at Punk Nightclub in Soho London. [1] [2] [3]

:: A pic of Elijah taken with fans after taping the Friday Night Project.

:: Why not test out your math skills while you check out the new UK website for The Oxford Murders which opens there on April 25th.

:: Some more treats pertaining to OM. There are a few videos here, here, and here, or you can view all of them through the first link. Look out for some of our resident A&F'ers in the first video!

:: Big thanks to Salwood, Earths Daughter and Roo for providing scans from the magazines Total Film and Times Online. Both can be found in the magazine scans section. The inset photo was cleaned up by yours truly.

:: Pitchfork News reports that Elijah will be part of a new music documentary titled The Heart Is A Drum Machine.

:: There was a long time rumor that Elijah participated in a mock stage play put on by a group called Mortified. Well, that rumor is true and we have the video to prove it. It's quite funny!

:: We'd like to thank Nats for providing us with a collection of quotes sent in by regular A&F members. There is a PDF download or you can download the TXT file.

:: And speaking of quotes, our new section is coming along nicely. We have posted quite a few nice words from and about Elijah in the new quotes section. Remember, if you have some that you'd like to pass along to us, please email myself or Brenda with them. And don't forget about the movie reviews as well.

That's all... for now.


April 13, 2008

I've got lots of Elijah goodies for you, so we'd better get started

:: Elijah was on BBC radio 1 this week. You can listen to the show on their website, or download it here. We also have lots of pics for you from the event.

:: On April 10, there was a special The Oxford Murders screening in London and A&F's Carol was there. She was so kind to share some of the pics she took with us. [1] [2]. Apart from the pics, she also send in a nice report about her adventure. We also received two other pics from the screening: [3] [4].

::Elijah was a guest on the hilarious Friday Night Project show on UK television. If you missed it, you can watch it again on You Tube: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5. We also have a number of pictures from the show.

:: Frodo's Mum sent us scans from an article in an Australian magazine. They've been uploaded in the Magazine Scans section.

:: If you live in the UK, you'd better not miss Freshly Squeezed on Channel 4 on April 22 and Elijah Wood in the Hood on E4 on April 24.

:: We welcome two new affiliates: Liv Tyler and The Billy Boyd Board.

:: Last but not least, some A&F news. The site is expanding with two new sections: quotes and movie reviews. The quotes section will have quotes from but also about Elijah while the movie review section will feature a few reviews of Elijah's films. We want to invite all of you to contribute to these new sections. If you have good quotes from or about Elijah, feel free to email them to Deenan or me. The same goes for movie reviews but there we have one rule: keep it objective. From all the quotes and reviews we receive, we will make a selection to put on the site. Please do not post them in the boxie, we might not see them.

That's all... for now.


April 1, 2008

I've got a mixed bag of goodies for this update, so lets get going!

:: Elijah will be guest host on The Friday Night Project that is shown in the UK on channel 4/104. It will air on Friday April 11th. Thanks for the news Sssneaking and Ginny!

:: Here is a great interview (26 minutes long) Elijah gave and behind the scenes of The Oxford Murders. Click on the photo of Elijah under Bonus Canal +. There is a download here, thanks to Jaramajo.

:: A couple of short Youtube clips of Elijah DJ-ing at SXSW here and here.

:: Pinocchio with a twist! I just received an email to inform me of a new musical Elijah has signed on to do early next year. Frank Kutakrop who is a producer at Lyons Films, verified that Elijah will be reprising his guest appearance from the television show Yo Gabba Gabba. The musical called My Little Puppets, is about a mad magician's scheme on remodeling children into controllable puppets, deceiving them by song and dance. Robert said Elijah has done script readings and costume tests and he was gracious enough to pass along one of the photos to me.

:: A photo taken by Elijah of Heloise & SF's show at Tangiers last December. Thanks Karin!

:: Hobbitlove was gracious to share some screencaps she made from the special edition DVD of The Ice Storm which has been re-released. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. You can order a copy from Amazon, and there is a synopsis of it from DVD Talk.

:: Two pics of Elijah at SXSW taking in a band. [1] [2]

:: I've uploaded a quick interview during SXSW.

:: A nice little tidbit from IMTA's blog.
"He did an impromptu duet with our emcee Russ Fega that had the whole crowd rooting for him. The entire Talent Showcase audience was charmed by his ability to recover. Elijah's song got a huge round of applause!"
You can read more about it here.

:: Another video interview from The Oxford Murders. Thanks mama jp.

:: We've done a lot of updating to LOTR. There are new sections on The Fellowship Of The Ring and The Two Towers in the movie stills sections. Also, six pages of production, behind the scenes and random photos from all the films.

That's all... for now.


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