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News Archive: March 2009
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March 23, 2009 |
Just a quick update.
:: Tomorrow, Tuesday 24th, Elijah can be heard deejaying on line in participation of UNICEF's Tap Project Radio. Looks like his one hour spot can be listened to throughout the day. You can check out the schedule as well as listen to the program here. Thanks for the heads up Annwyn! There may be a download of the spot, and if that becomes available, it will be added to this update.
:: A mysterious pic has surfaced from March 2004 of Elijah and Billy Boyd at an unknown event that I don't remember seeing before. Thanks to Chickenlegs for the find.
:: Welcome a couple more affiliates to A&F. Scarlett Johansson and a newly developed site for Mark Ferguson.
:: ETA: Here is a download of the Tap Project Radio program.
:: And... Elijah is receiving an award! On Saturday April 25th, during the San Francisco International Film Festival, he along with Evan Rachel Wood will be honored.
"To honor a dynamic young actor and actress entering the prime of their careers, who have made outstanding contributions to independent and Hollywood cinema and who bring intelligence, talent and depth of character to their roles."
You can read more about this event here and here. Congratulations Elijah! Thanks to Karin for bringing both of these additions to us.
That's all... for now.
March 17, 2009 |
:: Elijah's eerie portrayal as Kevin in Sin City has gained the character another honor as the best cannibal in movies. You can read the list to see who he beat out at Joblo.
:: Best buddies, Billy Boyd and Dom Monaghan got together last week with Elijah to check out the movie premiere of The Present in LA. [1] [2]
:: Some larger photos of Elijah out and about in LA in January. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Thanks for all the images Karin.
:: Patrick found a nice little fan encounter and photo from last July.
:: Check out the latest, high res additions from WonderCon. Thanks again Patrick.
:: Let's welcome a new affiliate to A&F. Visit the awesome site of Dwayne Johnson.org, better known as "The Rock."
:: And finally, it's been confirmed that the Twitter for "Elijah" has been suspended, therefore establishing the account as a fabrication.
That's all... for now, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
March 3, 2009 |
:: Elijah and animation director Joe Ksander of the upcoming film 9 were present at WonderCon in San Francisco this past weekend, and there are photos through various sources. Thanks for bringing some of them to us Karin.
:: Here are some amateur videos from the panel discussion through Youtube. Thanks to Jaramajo!
How the film came about
The character of 9
The premise the story and a little on The Hobbit
Working on animated films
:: A couple of write-ups on the convention here and here. Thanks Mole Caz and Primula.
:: Not only did Elijah attend fashion week in NYC last month, his sense of style was found compelling and appropriate.
Elijah Wood – Mix and matching layers is a guy thing this season and Wood does it impeccably. The jacket’s texture is dressed down enough to be worn with a nice pair of jeans, manly shoes and a little geekification, courtesy of the all-buttoned-up plaid.
:: A quick view of Elijah on MTV's program How's Your News? **This video may not be viewable outside of the United States.
That's all... for now.