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News Archive: June 2009



June 18, 2009

Just a couple of items, but if this keeps up, I may be doing one twice a week. ;-)

:: Elijah did an interview for Nylon Magazine that was published online today. You'll find the inset photo along with other new ones there. I want to thank Ariane from Nylon for the link.

:: Also, some scans from the actual the magazine with a longer interview can be found here.

:: The official site for 9 has come online. The site is amazing, so have a look around and see if you find Elijah.

That's all... for now.


June 15, 2009

:: Elijah sneaked in another deejaying gig when he spent time in Vermont recently. Though we missed it, the host, DJ Cooley let me know he would like to rebroadcast the show for us this Wednesday, June 17 at 9:30pm EST. If all goes well, you can listen to the two hour slot at The Radiator 105.9 WOMM-LP. A minor warning. The show may not be suitable for younger ears. He also supplied a playlist which can be seen here. Scroll to the last entry, (6/10/09). Thanks so much DJ Cooley!

:: Elijah will be the cover model for Corduroy Magazine and Karin has found some behind the scenes photos from the shoot, one being this update's inset photo. [1] [2] [3] The issue will hit bookstores in August.

:: Here you can find what compliments were paid to Elijah during the shoot.

:: The American poster released by Focus Features for the movie 9 is out.

:: Overlithe discovered a photo from the time Elijah spent in Africa last year at a clay pigeon shooting range, and he left a brief comment to the organization on his experience there:
"What a delightful way to end what was already an extraordinary day. Truly unforgettable. Thank you so much."

:: Here's a photo of Elijah and a friend during E3. Thanks Shadowmage!

:: Amber has sent in her personal creations of wallpapers that can be found within the fan art section.

:: Please welcome "More than a Hobbit" (German) to A&F's affiliates.

:: And lastly, a bit of business news. There was rumor a few months ago that Elijah had switched agents, and that still remains a rumor, but news has come from The LA Times that his agency, William Morris is "kaput," to use their words. You can read all about the merger/takeover/demise of the 111 year old agency here.

ETA: Word has come and unfortunately, there will not be a replay of the radio program. I'd still like thank DJ Cooley for his response and his link to the playlist.

That's all... for now.


June 9, 2009

:: Across the Internet over the past few days, reports have come of Elijah starring in a remake of the German film Das Experiment, called The Experiment. Reports also state, Adrien Brody, Forest Whitaker and Cam Gigandet will be starring in this as well.
The inset photo shows a poster for the film which is scheduled to start shooting in Des Moines Iowa next month. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available, but for now you can read more about the movie here, here, here (French), and here. If you're not familiar with the original film, there are some clips available to watch. Thanks to Jaramajo and Primula for supplying some links and the poster.

:: Elijah was seen attending the video gaming expo, E3 in Los Angeles last week. [1] Thanks for the find Mumis!

:: Patrick has come across a great video interview Elijah gave during Collectormania in 2003. He also has provided a download.

:: A new affiliate joins A&F. Welcome the German Twilight Fans site.

That's all... for now.


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