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News Archive: August 2009
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August 26, 2009 |
:: So much to report, so little time.
:: Here is a peep into some voice recording sessions Elijah and the other cast members did for 9. Download it.
:: Check out the 9 movie stills to find pics of the actors in the recording studio and a few high res stills.
:: A striking photo from a recent shoot.
:: Photo shoot or press conference? You decide. Actually, they're from a press conference this past Friday for 9.
:: Another video interview thanks to Patrick and a high res download from Karin who also provided all the above.
:: An online, in depth interview about 9 and few other insights.
:: Lastly, a blurb about the sequel to Happy Feet. We'll see if Elijah reprises his roll as Mumble. Thanks Patrick for these two items.
UPDATE: Elijah's appearance on Conan O'Brien has been bumped up to Tuesday September 1st 11:35 pm EST.
That's all I think... for now.
August 21, 2009 |
:: Today, Elijah will be participating in a "live" Twitterview hosted by Focus Features answering questions sent in by fans for promotions for 9. Thanks for the heads up Patrick!
The time for the interview has been announced. 11am PST/ 2pm EST.
:: If you missed the Twitterview, you can read all of it here, along with a photo taken before things got rolling. I'm happy to say Elijah answered one of my questions as well as Patrick's! Thanks for the pic Karin.
:: A review of 9 from Variety.
:: More fabulous photos from the Nylon magazine shoot have been added. Thanks so much Mata!
:: Early TV announcement: Elijah is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien Wednesday, September 2nd on NBC at 11:30pm EST. Keep your eye on the site for more news as the date gets closer.
:: Karin found a pic of Lij with fans at a Flaming Lips concert this week.
:: Patrick informs us that Day Zero will be released on DVD in Brazil this month.
:: Some photos during a charity function in Santa Monica on Wednesday. [1] [2] [3] A Style For Your Sole party was held by Blake Mycoskie founder of Toms Shoes to help benefit impoverished children around the globe. You can see more pics here. Thanks again Karin and Patrick.
That's all... for now.
August 15, 2009 |
:: Fans of Elijah knows he drives down other avenues besides the ones of films and music. He also takes the road of photography (my personal favorite) and has shared 88 photos he's taken with his Lomo camera and some words about the photographs here. Thanks Patrick!
:: San Diego Comic-con ended weeks ago, but the pics are still coming in. A few more have been added.
:: Elijah will be the cover subject of another magazine "h" that will be on newsstands September 1st. Annabelle and Karin have found two versions of the cover here and here, and you can read more about the magazine on their website. BTW, the other magazine cover, Corduroy, will be out sometime late August, early September.
:: Karin found some pics of Elijah taking a break from... whatever... [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
:: She also uncovered a little video of Elijah during E3 in June talking about the up coming music game The Beatles: Rock Band, and Patrick has a download of it.
That's all... for now.
August 7, 2009 |
:: The third artist to release material on Elijah's record label, Simian, Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears, has granted A&F a bit of insight about the band, their association with Simian, and their new EP, Mad Valentines set to drop October 21st. You can read the mini interview here. Thanks so much Bryan for answering some questions. Don't forget to check out their MySpace to find out more and listen to some songs.
:: More Comic-con stuff. A video interview, and while you're at it, check out the one following it with Peter Jackson.
:: And another video. Thanks to Karin for the clip and download.
:: More photos from the con have been added.
:: Are you an action figure collector? Check out the first two 9 dolls on the market.
:: Along with the inset photo, Ana sent some promo shots from Day Zero that are a little different from the ones I've seen before. [1] [2] [3] Thank you!
:: A revamped section of the site has been worked on. Check out the new video page.
:: Remember the 24 Hour Plays Elijah participated in last year? There are a couple more videos here, here and here, where there are snippets of Elijah.
:: ETA: Instead of waiting, I'll just tack this on here. Patrick has found a nice little interview from Nylon's photo shoot. He's also provided a download and some great screen caps which have been added the photoshoots section.
That's all... for now.