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News Archive: June 2017



June 30, 2017

Transference, the new VR game from SpectreVision, which comes out next spring, is gathering some impressive acknowledgements. It's been nominated for Best VR Game for the Game Critics Awards, and was voted the Best Rift Game of the recent E3 convention. Congratulations!

:: Here's an interview with Daniel Noah about the mind-bending game that is Transference, and one person's actual experience playing the game.

:: Shooting is still taking place on Dirk Gently and a few more behind the scenes photos have been added.

:: Here is a snippet from an earlier issue of Rogue Magazine where Max Landis and Samuel Barnett talk about the audition with Elijah.
Max: One of my favorite memories of you is during the audition process, when you came to LA and you and Elijah had that struggle. Do you remember that?

Sam: Oh my God, yeah! I didn't know Elijah at all at that point. He was throwing himself about and at one point I pushed him and he fell really hard backwards into the door and I thought, "Oh my God. I've broken Elijah Wood." I didn't know that's what he does, that he throws himself around and never gets hurt, like a bouncing ball! I had no idea. I thought I pushed him too hard and hurt him. But he has freakish upper body strength.

Max: He's quite charming and easy to work with, watching you guys was just very inspiring for me.

:: And it looks like Dirk Gently, in some form will be at San Diego ComicCon on July 21st and 22nd! Just waiting on an official, bona fide, legitimate announcement.

That's all... for now.


June 14, 2017

While Elijah and the crew are still tucked away in Vancouver shooting, there are a couple of new announcements. First, Nicolas Cage is slated to star in a new thriller called Mandy and will be produced by SpectreVision. Oscar nominee and SpectreVision client, Johann Johannsson will command the score. XYZ Films, the same folks who brought us the wonderful I Don't Feel At Home in this World Anymore, will split the production duties. Click to read more about the premise and filming.

:: And secondly, SpectreVision's first collaboration with Ubisoft was announced during the Electronic Entertainment Expo also known as E3. Billed as, Transference, the new psychological thriller VR game is said to be quite mind-altering that will linger long after the experience. Check out the video on what's being said about it here and get a sneak peak in the trailer.

:: One last thing.

That's all... for now.


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