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News Archive: July 2019
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July 19, 2019 |
Another convention and come and gone. The latest one that Elijah graced was the Montreal ComicCon a couple of weeks ago. You can find some images from the event here, as well as a video of the Q&A.
:: Come to Daddy is growing more and more high praises. It recently screened at Fantasia Fest in Montreal and has received additional great reviews from Collider, Screen Anarchy, The Spool, and from the Bucheon International Film Festival in South Korea, is another thumbs-up from Diabolique Magazine.
:: Here's an interview with Ant Timpson about his experience making Come to Daddy and the festivals afterwards.
:: Elijah's second appearance on Comedy Central's Drunk History just recently aired. With a completely different story this time around, the actors performed do-good citizens of the 1970s. Screencaps from the episode have been added to the existing one here, and you can view the program on Comedy Central and various other platforms. And way to go Drunk History on your three Emmy nominations! One for directing, Are You Afraid of the Drunk?.
:: Still without a video from Supanova, there is a bit of a recap of the Q&A Elijah gave.
:: SpectreVision's film, Daniel Isn't Real has picked up an award for Best Director, which also screened at the Bucheon International Film Festival. The film will hit theaters in limited release and on VOD on December 6th.
:: Finally, I can't let this update go without expressing a big congratulations to Elijah and Mette-Marie! May your new blessings be tenfold! Love ya!
July 5, 2019 |
Elijah spent two weeks in Australia attending the Supanova Comic Con. (Yes, I know I've called it the wrong name for weeks) But Supa or Super, it was a good time with fans down under. Take a look at the photos from the convention.
:: Elijah gave Q&A's in Sydney and Perth, but I haven't been able to find footage from them. However, there are a couple others. First, a quick video of an attendee presenting Elijah with gifts, and the piano virtuoso playing a famous movie theme song. No, not that one.
:: Keeping track of Elijah's docket, today begins the Montreal ComicCon. He'll be there on Saturday and then comes the New Mexico Comic Expo August 16th-18th.
:: The film festivals keep chugging along. Come to Daddy will have its premiere at the New Zealand International Film Festival later this month, and it will be the opening night film at the Arrow FrightFest happening in August in London.
:: Elijah took part in a rather ghastly event, and it was fun to listen to. He lent his voice to the horror fiction, NoSleep Podcast. It was the first one of their 13th season and Elijah's tale of the macabre begins at 21:42.
:: At the last update, Visitations, had aired five amazing episodes. The last four are complete and this podcast never disappoints. Here are images of Elijah and Daniel with their guests, Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty), Flying Lotus (Tiny Tortures), Richard Stanley (The Island of Dr. Moreau), Kate and Laura Mulleavy (Fashion Designers-Black Swan) and Panos Cosmatos (Mandy).
That's all... for now.