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News Archive: April 2020



April 27, 2020

Well, we're all still under "stay-at-home" orders due to COVID-19, and plenty of businesses have ceased for over a month, maybe longer depending where you live. Our lives have been interrupted, events cancelled, television and movie productions have shut down and people may be starting, or even at the point of being stir-crazy.

If things were going on as usual, I would be knee deep in photos, reports, and videos of Elijah since he was supposed to be at several conventions and even starting a new film, so needless to say, there isn't much new to update, other than...

:: Bless Dom Monaghan! This past Friday, he held a 30 minute video chat with Elijah and posted it to his Instagram account. It was up for one day, then it disappeared. But luckily someone snagged it and now it lives on YouTube.

:: As seen in the video, like everyone else, Elijah is finding things to take up his time, like video gaming, which he's an avid player of such things. It was mentioned in the video about last week's sensation on Twitter, while playing the new game craze, Animal Crossing. I'm not a gamer and didn't know what it was, so if you're like me, this article should help out.

:: Even though I've been working during this crazy time, I still find things to take up my time as well and have made some screencaps from Star Wars Resistance.

:: Here's a blast from the past. A very quick video of Elijah doing promotion for North.

:: If you're looking for something else to do online, Always and Forever will fulfill your need for Elijah knowledge. There's movie stills, videos, artworks, interviews, tons of photos from events and photoshoots and our comprehensive biography. So stay a while and check us out.

:: And lastly, what about that inset photo from on set of The Romantics taken by Jamie Hawkins? Nice.

That's all... and stay safe.


April 11, 2020

We're back baby! It took a little time, but our wonderful tech, Jochen, worked out the issue with posting. It's only led us to the reality that a change may have to come, so hang on until that happens.

:: Get your scorecards ready because COVID-19 is putting everything on hold, and that means the anticipated hobbit reunions which were planned this spring have been postponed. Along with Fan Expo Dallas, MegaCon Orlando has also been pushed back to June and Calgary Expo to July. The Toronto Comicon was cancelled entirely, but have transferred over to the equally exciting FanExpo Canada in August. Currently, Elijah, Sean, Billy and Dom are confirmed for Dallas and Canada.

:: While the world is staying safely at home and practicing social distancing until this difficult time is over, people are finding things to take up time... like watching movies and television. Elijah's work has landed in some suggestions of the best things to check out. Best Movies on Netflix, Best Crime Dramas and Top Slasher Movies.

:: Come To Daddy is not only on Amazon to watch or buy, it's now available physically in the form of Blu ray and DVD.

:: Ant Timpson shared another bizarre choice of wardrobe for Norval in Come To Daddy.

:: There's a full video of Elijah's Q&A at the last convention that took place, seemingly like ages ago, Comic Con Liverpool.

:: Some people take photos with Elijah, some have his signature, and some will go to great lengths to have their encounter last forever.

:: Sadly, Andrew Jack, the dialect coach on The Lord of the Rings recently passed, and warm tributes to him came pouring in on social media.

:: Did you know we just passed the 20th anniversary the very first Lord Of The Rings teaser trailer? Some of those who helped bring the trilogy to us sat down with members of The One Ring.net to have an hour long chat about it.

:: What happens when Star Wars meets The Lord of the Rings?

:: I struggled for a long time with a very old computer, but I finally purchased a new, high-powered one and the first thing I did to test out its performance was to make this short video with some 3D effects.

:: Lastly, that server upgrade to Always and Forever which stopped me from posting has completely shut down the forum, even for viewing. The newer these upgrades get, the more portions of the site are not compatible with them. This last one pretty much put the nail in the coffin for our old forum. We're sorry to see it go, but times change, however, sometimes for the better as I first stated. One of those changes being, A&F has recently started an Instgram account which will be filled with the same fun things that are shared on our Twitter feed. Hop on over and give us a follow!

That's all... for now.


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